Uber reaches settlement with victim’s family in self-driving car accident
By Katherine Diaz Uber has reached a settlement with the family of a woman who died recently after being struck by one of the company’s self-driving cars, according to multiple news agencies. The terms of the settlement haven’t been revealed, according to Fortune. However, the family’s lawyer announced that “the matter has been resolved.” On […]
Termómetro: Noticias Locales 04.05.18
03/29/18 Autoridades de Kansas City, Mo., investigan un asesinato después de que encontraran el cuerpo de una mujer sin vida en una casa ubicada en la calle 46 y N. Kenwood Ave. El incidente está siendo investigado como homicidio y aunque no se han revelado las causas de muerte de esta persona, ya se investigan […]
Dr. Myriam Ensling: What you need to know about vitamins
Vitamins are a number of substances that cannot be synthesized by humans and must be consumed in our diet as they are essential for normal functioning of our body. There are 2 basic kinds of vitamins: Water-soluble: vitamin C, Folic Acid and the B vitamins that form a group or complex including: B1, B2, B3, […]
En la escuela de Jesús 04.05.18
POR EL PADRE ÓSCAR GARAVITO Querida familia DOS MUNDOS, bendiciones para todos en este mes de Abril que hemos iniciado, les quiero recordar de esta GRAN FIESTA A LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA que es este DOMINGO 8 de abril, tendremos una procesión a las 2:30pm en el estacionamiento de San Juan Evangelista 2910 Strong Ave, Kansas […]
Jorge Ramos Column :Oriana Fallaci: A Life Asking Questions
Oriana Fallaci was quite a remarkable interviewer. For journalists who grew up before the era of computers, the internet and smartphones, few events were more anticipated than the one-on-one interviews conducted by this renowned Italian journalist. She aggressively confronted those in power, and her articles almost always ended in controversy. While one could have different […]
Dra. Nancy Álarez: It is not easy to be a man!
Being a man as this culture demands is not easy. Being male in this time and in our countries is something contradictory and extremely difficult. While culture requires the man to BE MALE, women demand that they be tender and emotionally available. But if they become tender and affectionate, we call them soft and effeminate. […]
Millie Bobby Brown, gana más que sus compañeros
La actriz de Stranger Things, Millie Bobby Brown, quien da vida a “Eleven”, cobrará US$3 millones ahora que la tercera temporada se termine de grabar. Millie habría tenido el aumento de sueldo se debería al buen trabajo que ha realizado en las temporadas pasadas, de acuerdo con TMZ.com. Lo que ha sido mal visto por […]
Mexímetro 04.05.18
03/29/18 Dos personas murieron después de que fueran atropelladas en las calles de Pablo Neruda en Zapopan, Jalisco. Aunque una ambulancia llegó al lugar a darles asistencia médica, la pareja perdió la vida. El culpable huyó del lugar de los hechos y ya se tiene identificado el vehículo en el que huyó. Autoridades de Jalisco […]
María Marín: El código secreto de las mujeres
Hoy voy revelar algunos secretos que la mayoría de las mujeres mantenemos bien guardados y los hombres ni se imaginan. Así que chicas, cuidado con que su amorcito lea esto ¡y quedes descubierta! Nosotras lo sabemos todo: Algunos hombres piensan que su contraseña del celular es secreta, a ellos le revelo un secretito: “Tu mujercita, […]
Exercise offers multiple benefits
Commentary by Chara Many people use exercise as a tool to achieve weight loss. However, exercise has more benefits than that. Some of the other benefits include the following: *Reduces stress and eliminates anxiety: A study published by Princeton University found that exercise reduced stress and minimized anxiety in the subjects who were studied. The […]