Jorge Ramos column: Trump’s Failure

Only someone like President Donald Trump could come up with this kind of nonsense. Despite the horrifying number of coronavirus infections and deaths in the United States, the president wants to convince us that his administration has been incredibly successful in its handling of the pandemic. The reality is quite different. At the same March […]
Free meals for children and adults Part 1

To help ease the burden the COVID-19 pandemic is putting on families across the country, many organizations are offering free meals for children and adults. In the Kansas City metro area, schools are also joining in on this effort. Some of these organizations and schools providing free meals are: Kansas Kansas City, KS Public Schools […]
Biby Gaytán & Eduardo Capetillo, confirman reality show

Biby Gaytán confirmó que la familia Capetillo Gaytán tendrá su propio reality show. La actriz, quien protagoniza el musical ‘Chicago’, compartió que su esposo Eduardo Capetillo es quien se está encargando de supervisar los detalles del proyecto. La actriz señaló en entrevista para el programa ‘Con Permiso’ que conduce Juan José Origel y Martha Figueroa […]