Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Ferguson Mo. en estado de emergencia


El lunes durante la protesta del primer aniversario de muerte de Michael Brown, un joven afro-americano asesinado por un oficial caucáseo de la policía, un joven de 18 años, Tyrone Harris, cargó un arma y disparó contra policías.
Según su familia, Harris era parte de la protesta ya que era amigo de Brown y nunca disparó a policías sino que por el contrario estaba corriendo por su vida.
Por otra parte, otros testigos presentes dicen haber visto a Harris disparar directamente a policías, quienes luego le dispararon de vuelta.
Las autoridades llevaron al joven al hospital, quien permanece en condiciones creiticas y ha sido acusado por actos criminales.
Desde el lunes la ciudad de Ferguson Mo. está en estado de emergencia por actos violentos causados por el aniversario de muerte de Michael Brown.


Ferguson under state of emergency

By Paula Alzate

Ferguson, Mo., is under a state of emergency again due to violence protests.
In 2014, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency for the St. Louis area community because of the violence linked to protests following Michael Brown’s death. Brown was an African American teen who was killed in August 2014 by a Caucasian police officer.
On Monday (Aug. 10), while citizens were protesting in remembrance of the first anniversary of the shooting, Tyrone Harris reportedly opened fire on police officers, who returned fire and wounded him. More violence ensued, leading to the latest state of emergency declaration.
According to family members, Harris was involved in the protest because he had been Brown’s friend. He never shot at the police officers and was “running for his life,” they told reporters. However, other witnesses said they saw Harris shoot at the police officers, who then shot back.
Authorities took the wounded teen to the hospital, where he remains in critical condition. He’s been charged with committing criminal acts.


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