Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Danger: Some obesity, diabetes meds increase chances of gastroparesis

By Roberta PardoSome patients who take diabetes and obesity medications run greater risks of a rare yet serious side effect, according to new data, CNN and other media outlets recently reported.That side effect is stomach paralysis — also called gastroparesis. According to three preliminary studies, people taking GLP-1 agonists run a greater risk of developing […]

Marí Marín: La felicidad empieza por tu panza

Tras leer este título, rápidamente uno pensaría en lo placentero que es comer, y más si se trata de tu plato favorito o un exquisito postre. Pero, no me refiero a la satisfacción de alimentarse, sino a cómo tu estado de ánimo está relacionado a lo que pasa por tu sistema digestivo. Nos bombardean con la […]

Kansas named among the states with the worst mental health care for young people

A new study has revealed the states with the worst mental health care for young people, with Oregon taking the top spot. Mental health treatment specialists at Onyx Behavioral Health analyzed 2023 data from Mental Health America on factors such as youth with at least one major depressive episode (MDE), students identifying with emotional disturbance, and […]

Help preserve our water

Commentary by Chara Our planet has a water crisis.According to the United Nations, about 2 billion people worldwide don’t have access to safe drinking water, and roughly half the world’s population is experiencing severe water scarcity for at least part of the year. In addition, as multiple sources have pointed out, many of our planet’s […]

María Marín: Cinco hábitos que practican las más exitosas

Si hay un tema del cual he profundizado muchísimo a la largo de mi carrera como motivadora es la autoestima en las mujeres.Y es que el amor propio juega un papel fundamental en todo nuestro caminar por la vida; desde la búsqueda del éxito profesional y la caza del amor, hasta la realización personal y […]

Measles outbreaks spread across the U.S.

By Tere Siqueira Measles cases are increasing in the United States.Once considered a common childhood illness that affected millions annually, the occurrence of measles began to drop in 1971, when the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine became available, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But the CDC reported recently that the number […]

María Marín: Tres poderosas razones para abrazar más

Tenemos claro que la juventud eterna no existe, pero sí hay algo que buscamos constantemente, es eso que pueda mantener la piel hermosa y atrasar el paso del tiempo.  Precisamente, haber revelado mi verdadera edad ha provocado que muchísimas seguidoras me pregunten qué hago para evitar las arrugas a mis 60 años. Cuida tu posición: Uno […]

How to take a healthier approach to eating

Commentary by Tere Siqueira If you’re tired of dieting, but still want to be health-conscious about food, give intuitive eating a try.As franciscanhealth.org states, intuitive eating is an approach toward nutrition that encourages individuals to pay attention to their bodily cues of being hungry or full, instead of following externally mandated rules – i.e., a […]

Health Advisory, Safety Tips for Prescribed Fire Season

Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) reminds Kansans that March and April are when large areas of the state’s rangelands are burned by prescribed fire, especially within the Flint Hills.Prescribed fire is a tool used by landowners and managers to help preserve the tallgrass prairie ecosystem, control invasive species, reduce woody encroachment from species […]

Area offers multiple resources for mental health

Commentary by Tere Siqueira Good mental health is essential to the well-being of all individuals.Recognizing this, we at Dos Mundos are dedicated to providing information on accessible mental health services. The following is a guide to resources to help community members in their efforts to achieve better mental health: *The Family Conservancy: Specializing in counseling […]