Eugenio Derbez lanza serie de su cuarentena
La cuarentena en casa me tiene deshecho”, dice Eugenio Derbez en sus redes sociales, donde anunció una nueva serie hecha desde su hogar, aprovechando la cuarentena por el coronavirus. El comediante mostrará las aventuras que vive en casa junto a su familia en tiempos del Covid-19. En un primer momento, la serie sólo se podrá […]
Frontier Schools Using 3D Printers to Create Face Shields for Medical Personnel
Kansas City, Missouri – In reaction to the shortage of protective wear for medical personnel because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a small team of teachers at Frontier Schools are doing their part to help. Mr. Azat Ovezov, Director of Science Curriculum, Shukru Kilic, Engineering Teacher and Islam Kamilov, Computer Teacher, are working tirelessly in their […]
Wonderful World: Discover Krakow
By Tom Sawyer Welcome tourists! In this edition, we have to talk about one of the oldest Polish city capitals, which is also considered one of the most beautiful and better preserved cities in the country. We are talking about Krakow, Poland. Its foundation date is unknown but it is believed it happened in the […]