Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

La ciudad de Kansas City, Missouri y Los Royals de Kansas City invitan a todos los aficionados a una celebración

Kansas city estará celebrando el Campeonato de la Serie Mundial después de 30 años.

  • Los aficionados pueden venir y ver como sus jugadores favoritos paseo por la calle en el centro de Kansas City Missouri.
  • Planee llegar temprano ya que se espera que miles de personas a venir y animar a Los Royals.

Éstos son algunos de los detalles de la ruta del desfile, así como información sobre el estacionamiento y el cierre de calles para acoger el desfile.


Información para el Espectador:

  • Mira el desfile en cualquier lugar a lo largo de la ruta. Excelentes puntos de visualización incluyen Ilus Davis Park y Washington Square Park. Barricadas se alinearán todo el recorrido a lo largo del bordillo. Los pasos de peatones serán marcados por los globos, pero cerrados mientras que el desfile está en curso.
    Mapa de la ruta del desfile
    Mapa de la ruta del desfile. Haga clic.


  • Ver la celebración frente a Union Station desde el estacionamiento sur, Pershing Road (que se cerrará) o el césped de la Primera Guerra Mundial Museo Nacional y el Memorial. La puesta en escena será similar a la “Celebración en la Estación” evento anual.
  • Llegue temprano para tener tiempo para encontrar un lugar. Este es un evento familiar, y los aficionados se les recuerda que el consumo público de bebidas alcohólicas está prohibido. Por favor, recuerde que lo mejor es viajar ligero y para no traer bolsas o mochilas.
  • Mercancía oficial del Campeonato del Mundo estará disponible en los siguientes lugares: frente a Union Station, en Ilo Davis Park al norte de la ciudad de Hall, cerca 10a & Oak, y cerca del Power & Light Distrito de Kansas City.

Transporte y aparcamiento:

Proveedores de tránsito ofrecerá servicio gratuito la Royal Celebration desde Kemper Arena, Country Club Plaza, Metro Norte, 47a y Estado, Puente Rojo, Swope Park y Strang parque Línea & ride.

Servicio de autobús gratuito que se ofrece a todos los servicios locales, expresa y servicio de transporte que conecta con el centro. Esto incluye KCATA, IndeBus,  Tránsito del Gobierno de KCK y Johnson County Transit (710 conector K-10 no incluidos).

Este servicio funcionará desde las 9 am hasta las dos horas después de que termine la celebración.

MAPA de estacionamientos 



The City of Kansas City, Missouri and the Kansas City Royals invite all fans to a Royal Celebration for our World Champion team. 

The 2.3 mile-long parade starts at noon, Tuesday, Nov. 3. The parade steps off on Grand Boulevard between the Sprint Center and the Kansas City Power & Light District and heads north to Ninth Street. It turns east to Oak, then goes south to Truman, then west back to Grand. After circling through the downtown business district, the parade continues south on Grand to Pershing Road. The parade turns west on Pershing Road to Union Station. The Victory Rally stage will be located in front of Union Station, with viewing opportunities on the north lawn of the National WWI Museum and Memorial. The Victory Rally will start at approximately 2 p.m., shortly after the end of the parade arrives. 

Watch Kansas City Mayor Sly James and Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders issue the invitation to the parade and celebration.

Spectator information:

  • Watch the parade anywhere along the route. Excellent viewing spots include Ilus Davis Park and Washington Square Park. Barricades will line the entire route along the curb. Pedestrian crossings will be marked by balloons, but closed while the parade is in progress.
  • Watch the celebration in front of Union Station from the south parking lot, Pershing Road (which will be closed) or the lawn of the National WWI Museum and Memorial. The staging will be similar to the annual “Celebration at the Station” event.
  • Arrive early to allow time to find a spot. This is a family-friendly event, and fans are reminded that public consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Please remember that it’s best to travel light and to not bring bags or backpacks. 
  • Officially Licensed World Series Championship Merchandise will be available at the following locations: in front of Union Station, in Ilus Davis Park north of City Hall near 10th & Oak, and near the Kansas City Power & Light District. 

Transportation and parking:

Transit providers will offer FREE Parade Express service directly to the Royal Celebration from Kemper Arena, Country Club Plaza, Metro North, 47th & State, Red Bridge, Swope Park and Strang Line park & ride.

  • FREE bus service is being offered on all local, express and shuttle service that connects to downtown. This includes KCATA, IndeBus, Unified Government Transit and Johnson County Transit (710 K-10 connector excluded).
  • This service will run from 9 a.m. until two hours after the celebration ends.
  • Parking is available in a few pay lots and garages close to the parade and celebration.
  • Spectators are advised to carpool or use public transportation. On-street parking is extremely limited near the parade and celebration.
  • B-Cycle will be free for the first 30 minutes of each bike share ride for bicycle transportation. B-cycle has 12 downtown locations.

Street closures:

  • Grand Boulevard between 8th and 27th streets (plus side streets to Grand from Walnut or McGee) Crown Center parking via Grand Blvd. will remain accessible.
  • Oak Street between 8th and 16th Streets (plus side streets to Oak from Locust Street)
  • Truman Road between Locust Street and Walnut Street
  • Pershing Road between McGee and Broadway Street/Archives Way
  • Main Street between 20th and 27th streets
  • Kessler Road from Pershing to the west side entrance of The National WWI Museum and Memorial

The Royal Celebration planning team was led by the Greater Kansas City Sports Commission and O’Neill Marketing & Event Management with assistance from the Kansas City Royals and many City of Kansas City departments, including Kansas City Parks & Recreation, Police, Fire, Public Works, and the City Manager’s Office, as well as Visit KC & the Downtown Council.

home-sweet-home-baseball-banner-saleGet a Home Sweet Home baseball banner!

Show off your hometown baseball pride with these replica street pole banners. These 15 x 36 inch vinyl banners are half-size replicas of the street pole banners that are flying downtown and feature the KC moniker with a baseball over photos of iconic Kansas City locations. Grommets are located in each corner to make hanging easy. Learn more and get yours today!


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