Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Establecen centros para los necesitados

Una intensa ola de frío ha entrado al área de Kansas City.
De acuerdo con el periódico Kansas City Star, una masa de aire ártico ha entrado a la parte superior del medio oeste, congelando tuberías de agua y llevando a las autoridades gubernamentales a pedirle a los residentes a que cuiden a sus vecinos.

Las agencias de noticias locales reportaron que cientos de residentes llamaron a compañías de plomería debido a problemas con el frío y las tuberías de agua.
El frío intenso puede causar problemas de salud, incluyendo hipotermia. El frío puede ser particularmente peligroso para los indigentes, quienes están a riesgo de morir congelados. De acuerdo con un estudio del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano, hay más de 200,000 personas sin techo en Estados Unidos.
Para ayudar a los indigentes y aquellos que no tienen calefacción, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios para Personas de Mayor Edad ha establecido centros en el área con calefacción. Entre algunas localidades están las siguientes:

*Biblioteca Condado Johnson-Antioch (Johnson County Library-Antioch Library),  8700 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Merriam, Kan.
*Centro Comunitario Armourdale (Armourdale Community Center), 730 Osage Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
*Biblioteca Condado Johnson -Cedar Roe (Johnson County Library-Cedar Roe Library), 5120 Cedar St., Roeland Park, Kan.
*Centro Guadalupe para personas Mayores (Guadalupe Center Senior Center), 1015 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Kansas City, Mo.
*Centro Comunitario Joe E. Amayo (Joe E. Amayo Community Center), 2810 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
*Centro Comunitario John F. Kennedy  (John F. Kennedy Community Center), 1310, N. 10th St., Kansas City, Kan.
*Lobby del Gobierno Unificado del Condado Wyandotte / Municipio de Kansas City, Kan. (Unified Government of Wyandotte County/ Kansas City, Kan. City Hall lobby), 701 N., Seventh St., Kansas City, Kan.
*Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City, Kan., Sucursal Argentine (Kansas City, Kan., Public Library-Argentine Branch), 2800 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
* Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City, Kan., Sucursal Main (Kansas City, Kan., Public Library-Main Branch), 624 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
* Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City, Sucursal Central (Kansas City Public Library-Central Branch), 14 W. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo.
* Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City, Sucursal Northeast (Kansas City Public Library-Northeast Branch), 6600 Wilson Road, Kansas City, Mo.
* Biblioteca Pública de Kansas City., Irene H. Ruiz Biblioteca de las Americas, 2017 Pennway St., Kansas City, Mo.
*Centro ComunitarioTony Aguirre, 2050 W. Pennway St., Kansas City, Mo.
*Centro Recreativo Turner (Turner Recreation Center), 831 S. 55th St., Kansas City, Kan.


Bitter cold wave strikes the area

Warming centers set up for those in need
By Chara
A bitter cold wave has moved into the Kansas City area.
According to the Kansas City Star, an arctic air mass has moved across the upper Midwest, freezing water pipes and leading government officials to ask residents to check on their neighbors. Local news agencies reported that hundreds of residents called plumbing companies because of problems related to the cold and their pipes.

The bitter cold can cause health problems, including hypothermia. The cold can be particularly hazardous for the homeless, who risk freezing to death. According to a study from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are more than 200,000 homeless people in America.
To help the homeless and those without heat, the Department of Health and Senior Services has set up various warming centers in the area. Some locations include the following:

*Johnson County Library-Antioch Library, 8700 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Merriam, Kan.
*Armourdale Community Center, 730 Osage Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
*Johnson County Library-Cedar Roe Library, 5120 Cedar St., Roeland Park, Kan.
*Guadalupe Center Senior Center, 1015 Avenida Cesar Chavez, Kansas City, Mo.
*Joe E. Amayo Community Center, 2810 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
*John F. Kennedy Community Center, 1310, N. 10th St., Kansas City, Kan.
*Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kan. City Hall lobby, 701 N., Seventh St., Kansas City, Kan.
*Kansas City, Kan., Public Library-Argentine Branch, 2800 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
*Kansas City, Kan., Public Library-Main Branch, 624 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kan.
*Kansas City Public Library-Central Branch, 14 W. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo.
*Kansas City Public Library-Northeast Branch, 6600 Wilson Road, Kansas City, Mo.
*Kansas City Public Library-Irene H. Ruiz Biblioteca de las Americas, 2017 Pennway St., Kansas City, Mo.
*Tony Aguirre Community Center, 2050 W. Pennway St., Kansas City, Mo.
*Turner Recreation Center, 831 S. 55th St., Kansas City, Kan.


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