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Se recomienda invertir en un plan de ahorro universitario 529


Con la deuda de préstamos estudiantiles afectando a millones de jóvenes en el país, muchos padres están comenzando a buscar maneras de ahorrar para la educación de sus hijos antes de tiempo.
Invertir en un plan de ahorros 529 con ventajas fiscales podría ser una buena opción.
De hecho, Kansas y Missouri ofrecen a sus respectivos residentes una deducción de impuestos por las contribuciones a un plan 529. Y no hay edad o límites de ingresos para iniciar una cuenta 529. Cualquier ciudadano estadounidense o residente legal de 18 años o más puede abrir uno.
Además, el beneficiario del titular de la cuenta puede incluir un hijo, un nieto o un pariente más joven. También puede crear uno para usted si desea ahorrar para cualquier gasto de educación superior.
Hay dos tipos de 529 planes que se ofrecen: planes de matrícula prepagados y planes de inversión de ahorros universitarios. Hay varias diferencias sobre ambos y se recomienda elegir el plan que funcione mejor para usted y su familia. Una diferencia es que un plan de matrícula prepago bloquea los costos actuales de la colegiatura y protege al beneficiario de tener que pagar una tasa más alta más tarde. Los planes de ahorro para la universidad son los más populares y cubren otros gastos relacionados con la universidad, además de la colegiatura, como libros de texto y alojamiento y comida.
Debido a la variedad de planes 529 disponibles, es una buena idea ver si otros estados tienen planes más convenientes. Y aunque un plan puede ser adquirido a través de un asesor financiero, es beneficioso tener una comprensión de la inversión al comprar a través de planes y comprar uno directamente del estado para evitar pagar servicios al asesor.
Para obtener más información sobre los planes 529, visite el sitio web de la Comisión de Valores de Estados Unidos en https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/intro529.htm.


Investing in a 529 college savings plan is recommended

Commentary by Melissa Arroyo
With student loan debt affecting millions of millennials, many new parents are starting to look for ways to save for their children’s education ahead of time.
Investing in a tax-advantaged 529 savings plan could be a good option.
In fact, Kansas and Missouri offer their respective residents a tax deduction for contributions to a 529 plan. And there are no age or income limits for starting a 529 account. Any U.S. citizen or legal resident 18 or older can open one.
Moreover, the account holder’s beneficiary can include a child, grandchild or younger relative. You also can create one for yourself if you want to save for any higher education expenses.
There are two kinds of 529 plans being offered: prepaid tuition plans and college savings investment plans. There are several differences about both. You should choose the plan that works best for you and your family. One significant difference is that a prepaid tuition plan locks in the current tuition costs and protects the beneficiary from having to pay a higher tuition rate later. The college savings plans are the most popular and cover other university-related expenses besides tuition, such as textbooks, and room and board.
Because of the variety of 529 plans available, it’s a good idea to shop around and see if other states have more convenient plans. And although a plan can be acquired through a financial advisor, it’s beneficial to have an understanding of investing when shopping through plans and buy one directly from the state to avoid paying advisor fees.
To learn more about 529 plans, visit the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website at https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/intro529.htm.Commentary by Melissa Arroyo
With student loan debt affecting millions of millennials, many new parents are starting to look for ways to save for their children’s education ahead of time.
Investing in a tax-advantaged 529 savings plan could be a good option.
In fact, Kansas and Missouri offer their respective residents a tax deduction for contributions to a 529 plan. And there are no age or income limits for starting a 529 account. Any U.S. citizen or legal resident 18 or older can open one.
Moreover, the account holder’s beneficiary can include a child, grandchild or younger relative. You also can create one for yourself if you want to save for any higher education expenses.
There are two kinds of 529 plans being offered: prepaid tuition plans and college savings investment plans. There are several differences about both. You should choose the plan that works best for you and your family. One significant difference is that a prepaid tuition plan locks in the current tuition costs and protects the beneficiary from having to pay a higher tuition rate later. The college savings plans are the most popular and cover other university-related expenses besides tuition, such as textbooks, and room and board.
Because of the variety of 529 plans available, it’s a good idea to shop around and see if other states have more convenient plans. And although a plan can be acquired through a financial advisor, it’s beneficial to have an understanding of investing when shopping through plans and buy one directly from the state to avoid paying advisor fees.
To learn more about 529 plans, visit the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website at https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/intro529.htm.


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