Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

J Balvin, ya no hace música para latinos

El cantante colombiano J Balvin indicó que ya no hace música para latinos, a pesar de serlo por naturaleza y espera que ésta trascienda a lo latino. “Yo ya no hago música para los latinos, soy latino por naturaleza, quiero que mi música sea escuchada por la raza humana”, afirmó. Luego de lanzar el sencillo […]

Farewell to Father Anthony J. Saiki

“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Thank you so very much for the wonderful receptions this past weekend. Thank you for all of your expressions of kindness, the many cards and gifts, and thank you most of all for your promises of prayer. Be assured of my love for you, and my promise to pray […]

Living in the Jungle

By Jorge Ramos These days, almost all of us live in a jungle. And many of us are trapped there by choice — like birds in an open cage who wouldn’t even consider flying away. The particular jungle I’m referring to is, of course, the internet — particularly Twitter, Facebook and all the other apps […]

Mexico exporting its talent

By Chara Workers leaving for Europe, North America A recent article published by the newspaper El Horizonte in Mexico indicated that more than 1.4 million highly skilled Mexican workers are working abroad. Most of those who choose to work abroad are going to the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. The exodus […]

Eiza González, pisando fuerte

La actriz mexicana Eiza González es una de las latinas que está pisando muy fuerte en la industria cinematográfica en Hollywood, recientemente ha participado en proyectos como la película Baby Driver. La artista formará parte del elenco de la nueva película del afamado director Robert Zemeckis junto a Steve Carrell. El filme se basará en […]