Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Common senior health problems – and how to manage them

Commentary by Chara There’s good news and bad news for senior adults. The good news is, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) statistics show that 41 percent of seniors 65 and older are in good health. The bad news is, there are common health problems that affect seniors. Here’s a list of the […]

Beware of college scholarship scams

Commentary by Chara Most college students seek scholarships to pay for at least some of their education. Indeed, according to statistics from the Saving For College website, 31 percent of students used scholarships and grants to help pay for their education. But pursuing scholarships has at least one potential pitfall: falling victim to scammers. According […]

Dave Bautista, no quiere trabajar con Disney

En las semanas posteriores Disney decidió despedir a James Gunn, director de las cintas de‘Guardianes de la galaxia’, Dave Bautista -encargado de dar vida a Drax el Destructor fue uno de los miembros que se posicionó en con- tra de la decisión. El actor no esta de acuerdo con esa decición y su reacción vía […]

Feed does not exists

Feed does not exists. It was deleted a long time ago. Or never existed at all.Feed does not exists. It was deleted a long time ago. Or never existed at all. […]Read More

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