Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Dra. Nancy Álvarez: Being gay is not a choice that is made freely

By Dra. Nancy Álvarez Recently, a singer of a famous musical group came out as gay. This caused that many journalists asked insistently for my opinion about this “serious problem,” since many children and teenagers are fans of the group and the singer. They were distressed because they were models that their children copied and […]

The best apps for toddlers

Commentary by Yanis De Palma The use of technology often raises concerns – and those concerns increase when children use technology. However, there are many ways that technology works as a tool for parents to help their children learn. Some apps, for example, can allow children to develop their minds in ways that will prepare […]

Grey’s Anatomy, la temporada 16 podría ser la última

La temporada 16 de Grey’s Anatomy podría ser la última de la serie, aunque los fans no están listos para despedirse de Meredith Grey. En una nueva entrevista a la revista Entertainment Weekly, Ellen Pompeo, sugirió que el fin del drama médico, que se estrenó en 2005, podría estar cerca. La temporada 15 está por […]