Termómetro KC: Noticias locales 11.01.18

10/25/18 Autoridades del estado de Kansas informaron que los índices criminales han subido últimamente debido a la adicción a metanfetaminas y que varios criminales están saturando las prisiones del estado. Según versiones de las autoridades, ya se están llevando a cabo varias reuniones para ver de qué manera se puede controlar la adicción a opioides. […]
Sofía Vergara, la estrella mejor pagada

Sofía Vergara, es la actriz mejor pagada en la televisión estadounidense por su personaje en la serie Modern Family de ABC. La artista gana US$16 millones más que su rival más cercano. Vergara ganó US$ 42.5 millones en 2017-2018, dijo la revista Forbes, muy por delante del hombre de mayores ingresos, Jim Parsons, de […]
Salvadoran shares insights about the caravan situation- Part I of a series

By Tere Siqueira As many news sources have reported, thousands of people from Central America are hitchhiking through Mexico, hoping to reach the United States and be granted asylum. Luciana Mazzini, a native of the Central American country of El Salvador who lives in Mexico, is among those people who believes the United States should […]
Arrested and deported for losing his wallet

Commentary by Eulogio JP Flavio Musmanno is among the many immigrants who have been deported. But there is something that makes his story intriguing: the way he was captured. Musmanno, a 44-year-old immigrant from Argentina who had lived and worked in Ohio since 2000, was recently captured by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities, and […]
Galilea Montijo, denuncia uso de su imagen

La conductora del programa Hoy, Galilea Montijo, denunció ser víctima del robo de su imagen, ello en el empaque de unas “pastillas milagro” para bajar de peso. A través de sus redes sociales, la presentadora compartió un video en el que denuncia el hecho: “Oigan ayer iba a llegando al aeropuerto y me paró una […]
Wonderful World : Discover Seattle

Welcome tourists! In this edition, we will talk about Seattle, the homeland of grunge music and also the largest city in the state of Washington. The foundation of the city dates from Dec. 2 of 1869, but since more than 4,000 years ago it has been inhabited by different tribes such as the duwamish and […]
Opioid use during pregnancy might cause learning disabilities, study reveals

By Angie Baldelomar Learning disabilities and other special education needs are common in children born with opioid-related symptoms from their mother’s drug use while pregnant, a recent study revealed. The study found that about 1 in 7 affected children required special classroom services for problems including developmental delays in speech or language difficulties, compared to […]
Annual Trunk or Treat event brings out families to celebrate Halloween

On Tuesday (Oct. 30), families brought their children dressed in their best costumes to the annual Trunk or Treat event organized by Sun Fresh Calle 18, Dos Mundos Newspaper, and KDTD 1340 La Grande radio station. The event was held outside the Sun Fresh Calle 18 building. Beyond trick-or-treating, children also enjoyed costume contests, games […]
Catequesis de la de con el Padre Andrés: ¿Llamados a ser Santos o Demonios?

“Vosotros, pues, sed perfectos como vuestro Padre celestial es perfecto” (Mt 5,48). Muy queridos lectores, quiero adentrar un poco en el tema que circunda en estos días en que celebramos en la Iglesia universal dos liturgias muy importantes, la primera el día de precepto de todos los santos que es el primer día del Mes […]
Jorge Ramos : The Children of the Caravan

HUIXTLA, Chiapas, Mexico — I’ve seen the ignorant, xenophobic rants on social media about the caravan. They’re terrorists in disguise. They’re criminals. They’re invaders. They’ve been sent to invade and destabilize the United States. But in the main square of this small town in southern Mexico recently, all I could hear of the caravan were […]