Managing Fear, Stop Anxiety: Managing The Stresses And Anxieties Of Peer Pressure
Dealing with peer pressure can very stressful. It can be very difficult not to give in to your friends and peers in doing something you do not want to do. As a result, here are 6 tips on how to manage the stresses and anxieties of dealing with peer pressure from others. 1. Know where […]
Midway presenta Héroes Reales
El cineasta, Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow), dirige un reparto estelar con la llegada de Midway en Digital el 4 de febrero y en 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack (más Blu-ray y Digital), Blu-ray Combo Pack (más DVD y Digital), DVD y Bajo Demanda el 18 de febrero de la mano de […]