Timothée Chalamet será Bob Dylan en la película biográfica

James Mangold se asocia con Timothée Chalamet para la realización de una película biográfica musical, aún sin título, centrada en Bob Dylan. Según información de Billboard, la función Fox Searchlight, basada en el libro “Dylan Goes Electric” de Elijah Wald, rastreará el cambio legendario de cantautores de música folk a rock. Jay Cocks escribió el […]
La columna de Jessica Piedra: Careful Who You Trust!

Hello friends, we are continuing to work hard for you in this difficult time. Two recent cases show how important it is to be careful who you trust with your immigration process. Often I see clients who have spent too much money, time and effort on a process that could have been done simpler. Other […]
How to cope with stress and anxiety during the pandemic

Commentary by Chara The coronavirus outbreak is stressful for people worldwide. No doubt, the worry people are feeling about health and financial issues is disrupting sleeping and eating patterns, thus causing mental and physical health problems, including the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and/or other drugs. Do not let the stress of the pandemic lead you […]