Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Kamala Harris, hija de inmigrantes

By Jorge Ramos En medio de uno de los momentos más polarizados de su historia reciente y en plena pandemia, Estados Unidos de pronto mostró uno de esos destellos de su grandeza: el Partido Demócrata escogió a una hija de inmigrantes para ser su candidata a la vicepresidencia. La senadora de California Kamala Harris acompañará […]

Who Should Get Tested for COVID-19 and Why? 

In Wyandotte County, rates of COVID-19 are higher among Hispanic and Latino residents compared to many other ethnic groups. Getting tested can help stop the spread of this disease in our communities. Some other reasons to consider getting tested include: Why get tested for COVID-19? Getting tested and taking other COVID-19 safety steps will help […]

In tribute: Trini Lopez

Baby Boomers worldwide are mourning the Aug. 11 death of Trini Lopez – yet another coronavirus casualty. Lopez was 83. A documentary, My Name is Lopez by P. David Ebersole and Todd Hughes is in postproduction with an expected 2021 release. The filmmakers had just completed shooting when Lopez died. The biopic includes “great archival […]

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