How to celebrate Children Day’s at home

Commentary by Tere SiqueiraThis Friday (April 30) is a special day in Mexico. That is when the country observes Children’s Day.As Wikipedia and other sources state, the World Conference on the Welfare of Children officially declared an International Children’s Day in 1925. Since then, countries worldwide have designated dates to stage their national observances of […]
Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra: Courts closed – explore other options

There will come moments in life in which you will have to deal with the Law. It means you will have to deal with the system, something that requires a high amount of expertise and years of study to fully overcome.Whether for business, accident, or court reasons, these are important hours of your life that […]
Dos Mundos: Volume 41 Issue 17 • 04/29/21 – 05/05/21

In this issue • KCK heralded as America’s taco capital by Forbes • CDC eases COVID guidelines for fully vaccinated people • GCI preparing Cinco de Mayo celebration