Your health is our hope
Every year in October, Binational Health Week (BHW) is held to reinforce the message that the Mexican consular network has information, allied organizations and services to ensure the physical and mental well-being of our communities in the United States.
“Your health is our hope” is the motto of the 21st edition of the BHW in which the consulate in Kansas City will carry out activities between October 18th and 23rd, both online and in person.
The desire that you, your family, our Mexican neighbors in the United States be healthy goes beyond well-intentioned words, because one of our main areas of work is to promote the care of our health, regardless of immigration status.
For more than 18 months and counting, the pandemic has shown us that, in addition to the initial difficulties of equitable access to vaccines, some people have had health issues for fear of going to the doctor or for having “skipped” regular diagnoses to prevent and detect diseases such as cancer.
Furthermore, the death of loved ones due to COVID-19, the loss of employment or the reduction of hours at work, among other triggers of stress, also make us see the importance of preventing mental illnesses and, if such is the case, seek opportune treatment.
Thus, Binational Health Week offers you a representative sample of information and activities that will help you make decisions about where and who to consult to start, strengthen or recover your health care. It is a coordinated effort of the consulate’s Windows for Health Services (VDS) and partner organizations throughout Kansas and Missouri for the benefit of you and your family.
The program ranges from eye exams and vaccinations against COVID-19 and influenza during the mobile consulate in Wichita, to informative talks about breast cancer, mental health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
Spread the word
Preventing diseases and promoting health care for Mexicans abroad are part of the work of the Window for Health Services, established more than ten years ago in a partnership with Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center and which in these critical months continues its work of care, referral and follow-up of cases for the benefit of hundreds of people who would otherwise have little access to medical care.