Históricamente, el propósito de los eventos políticos es reunir a los ciudadanos para festejar y escuchar las medidas y planes de su candidato favorito. Desafortunadamente, esto es algo que Donald J. Trump cambió rotundamente.
Los eventos del candidato presidencial republicano son polarizados; alientan la violencia y contribuyen muy poco al bien común – tal como el mismo Trump.
Los eventos de Trump requieren de cientos de policías, sumados a los agentes de servicio secretos y seguridad privada. A pie y montados a caballos, el operativo rodea el área. Ansiedad, miedo y enojo llena cada esquina de la ciudad anfitriona del evento.
Estas condiciones poco reflejan la de un evento civilizado y democrático. Pero, lamentablemente, estas son las condiciones de un evento Trump.
Muchos lo toman con gracias. Otros agradecen el cambio. Y unos cuantos alagan a Trump por su “sinceridad.”
Yo veo una situación diferente.
Veo un Trump lunático e irresponsable, un egocéntrico individuo con una inestabilidad mental grotesca quien piensa que su posición financiera le permite hacer lo que quiera y tratar a las personas irrespetuosamente.
Las acciones del candidato resultaron en eventos violentos, lo cual requiere la participación de cientos de efectivos de seguridad. Entiendo totalmente la necesidad de expresarse pero los aliento a expresarse civil y pacíficamente.
Les demostremos a Trump y a sus seguidores que los eventos políticos pueden continuar en paz y armonía. Les enseñemos que no tan solo somos la mayoría, sino que también somos capaces – no como ellos – de coexistir, aunque no acordemos algunas veces. No somos como Donald J. Trump, quien tiene la necesidad de atacar a cualquier persona que lo contradiga o piense diferente.
No bajemos los brazos. Lo último que se pierde es la esperanza.
Trump’s violent rallies: The new normal
Commentary by Dermidio Juez-Perez
Historically, political rallies’ purpose was for candidate’s supporters to gather to celebrate and listen to their favorite candidate speak. Unfortunately, Donald J. Trump has changed that.
The Republican presidential candidate’s political rallies are polarizing events that encourage violence and contribute little to the well-being of everyone – much like Trump himself.
Hundreds of police officers are needed for Trump’s rallies, along with Secret Service agents and private security guards. On foot and on horseback, they surround the area where he’s speaking. Anxiety, fear and anger fill every corner of the hosting city.
Those conditions are far from what I would call a civilized democratic event. But those conditions are normal for Trump’s rallies.
Many Americans find the situation funny. Others state they’re glad to see change. A few others see Trump as the guy next door who speaks his mind.
I see it differently.
I see Trump as a lunatic, an irresponsible, self-centered, mentally unstable individual whose financial position entitles him – or at least he thinks it does – to do as he pleases and treat people who disagree with him disrespectfully.
That disrespect has led to violence at Trump’s rallies, prompting the need for hundreds of security personnel to be on duty at his events. I understand that people are disgusted and hurt and feel the need to express themselves. However, when given the opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings toward the controversial candidate, I encourage you to do so in a peaceful, civilized manner.
Let’s show Trump and his supporters that political rallies can continue being a civilized democratic event for anyone to attend. Let’s show them we’re not only the majority, but we’re also respectful citizens of this world who can co-exist with others, even though we may disagree at times. Let’s show them we’re not like Donald J. Trump, who feels the need to attack anyone who contradicts him or believes differently.
Let’s not put our hands down. The last thing we can lose is hope.