Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

La columna de la Dra. Nancy Álvarez: El 911 y los niños

En EEUU enseñan a los niños que, ante cualquier señal de maltrato, llamen al 911. Cuando esto pasa, se desata una gran tragedia y un real abuso emocional hacia el niño. O sea, que a quien se pretende “salvar” de un posible abuso, termina siendo abusado fuertemente por las autoridades. Además, se olvidan de que, […]

La Doctora Nancy Alvarez: Covid-19: Malas excusas

Una amiga nos llama porque su esposo está en cuidados intensivos con Covid-19, y no mejora. Le hablamos de una experiencia en China, que ya, gracias a Dios, empezaron a aplicar a los pacientes en Nueva York: la vitamina C en grandes cantidades por las venas. En varios hospitales de Nueva York les dan 45 […]

Otra vez los jueces meten la pata

By Dra. Nancy Álvarez En mi país de origen, yo veía muchas películas. Por algo mi hija es cineasta. La mayoría procedían de Norteamérica. Entonces creía que en EEUU había una justicia verdadera, implacable. Admiraba cómo incluso los presidentes podían ser juzgados o destituidos, y lo comparaba con el caos de República Dominicana, que apenas […]

Dra. Nancy Álarez: Men, those emotional illiterates

A friend was upset with me because I publicly stated that men are emotionally illiterate. He swore that he was not like that and asked me to be more considerate of Adam’s children. I replied that this is precisely why I had a continuous campaign in the media in order to help men to make […]

Dra. Nancy Álarez: Yours, mine and ours

Every day there are more and more families in transition. The large number of divorces and the fact that more than half of those who divorce remarry or join a partner, makes this a very important issue. This situation causes serious problems for a couple. The experiences in the office are fundamental and put us […]

Dra. Nancy Álvarez: The male revolution is also necessary

I told you in the piece “It is not easy to be a man!” that being a man implies many contradictions and a lot of effort. Is it easy to be strong all the time? don’t be able to cry? have to be always successful? live without being able to feel fear or without being […]

Dra. Nancy Álarez: How to know if your partner is addicted to rage?

“My partner is addicted to rage. I live in fear every day, the smallest things make him explode. I have to be careful at home.” Living with a person addicted to anger is like living with a time bomb and it is a situation that can cause serious problems in a relationship. You never know […]

Dra. Nancy Álarez: When loving too much can be a disorder

An addictive relationship is one that hurts us, compromises our physical and emotional health in a negative way, and from which, despite wanting, we can not free ourselves. In the same way that a person becomes addicted to a substance, needs and tolerates more and more amount of it to be able to feel good […]

Dra. Nancy Álarez: Is man the stronger sex? (II)

By Dra. Nancy Álvarez In the previous issue, we saw that a man is required to have physical strength, courage, to not express his emotions and to be authoritarian and dominant. But this doesn’t help when it comes to building a relationship and a family. What does it take for a relationship to work and […]