Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Local groups show solidarity with the 43 students from Ayotzinapa,

Photos by Michael Alvarado
Photos by Michael Alvarado
Writer – Jesus Lopez-Gomez

About 75 protestors gathered outside the Mexican Consulate Thursday evening in solidarity with the 43 students who are missing in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero. The movement was led by a coalition of organizations including One Struggle KC, Progressive Youth Organization and Cross Border Network.

Daniel De Zamacona, [position and action], held the megaphone at a Ayotzinapa protest Thursday evening, but he explained the movement is largely leaderless, democratic and spontaneous. There were 300 events globally happening in concert with the Kansas City protest.

UPDATE 11.21.2014 :

Mexico’s attorney general, during the now famous “Ya me canse” speech, announced that the gov’t had found the burial site of what he believed to be students. Turns out those bodies belonged to another massacre, not the 43 students.



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