Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

NCLR Expo and Conference Day 1 in KC (Gallery)

Today the NCLR Family Expo and Conference began at the Kansas City Convention Center.  Thousands attended the free Expo that featured fun activities and valuable information for all.  The expo continues Sunday July 12, 2015. Remember to Navigate Pages 1-3 at bottom of gallery Don’t forget to share with your friends and follow us on […]

Volcán de Colima entra en fase eruptiva

  La actividad del volcán de Colima se mantiene con constante emisión de material incandescente y se prevé que en los próximos días disminuya de forma lenta, informó el Coordinador Nacional de Protección Civil, En los últimos 100 años, el volcán de Colima ha tenido actividad significativa, lo que lo ha caracterizado como el más […]

Papa Francisco visita Latinoamérica

El papa Francisco ha iniciado su segunda gira por Latinoamérica. El lunes 6 de julio durante su primera visita al Ecuador, el Papa celebró la misa en el parque de los Samanes en Guayaquil. Miles de personas recibieron felizmente al Pontífice. Durante la misa, el Papa Francisco habló sobre la importancia que tiene la familia. […]

NCLR Conference 2015 – Expo Map and Activity Guide

Mapa del Expo y agenda de actividades. This is a latest version of the NCLR Conference 2015 Expo map, directory of exhibits and activity guide. You can download a PDF version here. KANSAS CITY CONVENTION CENTER 301 W 13th St, Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 513-5000   NCLR Conference 2015 Guide. Click to see larger version

Volume 25 Issue 28

In this issue. • NCLR Conference opens this weekend • Pope Francis visits Latin America • Donald Trump loses more business.

Trump listed as Clinton donor

By Jesus Lopez-Gomez On the political stage, presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are sworn enemies. Democrat and National Council of La Raza keynote speaker Clinton has lashed out at Trump for his anti immigrant vitriol saying she was “very disappointed with him.” Off the stage, the two’s contentious relationship is complicated by financial […]

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