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Médico atiende pacientes sin seguro

Un médico local está ofreciendo a los pacientes la oportunidad de verlo en su clínica, Midwest Health Group, tantas veces como quieran por una cuota mensual de $ 55.
Ubicado en el 5900 de la avenida State en Kansas City, Kansas, Midwest Health Group es dirigido por Mohammad Ghaseemi M.D., un médico de origen iraní que habla español fluidamente y cuya tarifa mensual es fija y es un paradigma médico conocido como atención directa primaria.
Ghaseemi menciona que ha hecho este tipo de acuerdo “para deshacerse de los seguros y ayudar a los pacientes, especialmente a aquellos que no tienen seguro”.
El sitio web de su consultorio médico describe su frustración con la “medicina corporativa” y la “burocracia de las compañías de seguros”.
Cuando un paciente se inscribe en el programa de $ 55 por mes por la atención directa primaria, $ 15 para los niños, pueden ver al Dr. Ghaseemi tantas veces como quieran para problemas médicos que no excedan la urgencia de una incisión, de acuerdo con Ghaseemi.
Los incidentes médicos que requieren una atención mayor o inmediata se remiten a un especialista o a urgencias. Un ataque al corazón es un ejemplo.
Ghaseemi dice que un estudio de sangre en su oficina cuesta entre $50 y $250 dólares y que los rayos X no se hacen en la oficina, sino que ha negociado precios con quienes lo hacen.
Midwest Health Group cuenta con un personal bilingüe, según el Dr. Ghaseemi, y estima que actualmente hay 400 pacientes inscritos en su programa, 35 por ciento son de habla hispana.
“No me dediqué a la medicina para ganar dinero», indicó por teléfono.
Para obtener más información, visite: mw-health.com
(Este artículo no tiene la intención de ser un consejo médico. Consulte a un médico con licencia vigente.)


Doctor seeing patients without health insurance

By Nicholas Peterson
A local physician is offering patients an opportunity to see him at his clinic, Midwest Health Group, as many times as they want for a monthly fee of $55.
Located at 5900 State Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas, Midwest Health Group is headed by Mohammad Ghaseemi M.D., an Iranian-born physician who speaks fluent Spanish, and who’s flat monthly fee is a type of medical paradigm known as direct primary care.
Ghaseemi says he has made this kind of arrangement “to get rid of the insurances and help the patients, most especially those that don’t have insurance.”  
The website for his medical practice describes his frustration with “corporate medicine” and the “bureaucracy of insurance companies.”
When a patient enrolls in the $55 per month program for direct primary care, $15 for children, they can see Dr. Ghaseemi as many times as they want for medical issues that do not exceed the urgency of a cut, according to Ghaseemi.
Medical incidents requiring greater, or immediate, care are referred to a specialist or the ER. A heart attack is one example.
Ghaseemi says that blood work at his office cost between $50 – $250 and that x-rays are not done in the office, but that he has negotiated prices with those who do it.
Midwest Health Group has a bilingual staff, according to Dr. Ghaseemi, and he estimates that 400 patients are currently enrolled in his program. 35 percent are Spanish-speaking, he says.
“I never went into medicine to just make money,” he said by phone.
For more information, visit: mw-health.com
(This article is not intended as medical advice. Consult a currently licensed physician in good standing with appropriate medical boards.)


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