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Ganadores Biz Fest Kansas City

El decimotercero festival anual KC Biz terminó el sábado (18 de febrero) en el Colegio Comunitario Johnson County en Overland Park, Kan. El evento atrajo a aproximadamente 109 estudiantes de 19 escuelas secundarias del área que, junto con más de 100 mentores empresarios de negocios y organizaciones locales, colaboraron ​​en casos empresariales individuales, o simularon escenarios de negocios, con los estudiantes. El evento culminó con la entrega de premios a los seis mejores estudiantes.
“Tuvimos una gran participación”, mencionó Amarilis Valdez-Dempsey, Vicepresidente de la junta directiva de la Cooperativa Hispana de Kansas City.
“Hay estudiantes que han regresado y han dicho que quieren volver y ser mentores, aunque no hayan ganado”.
Según Valdez-Dempsey, la mayoría de los estudiantes que participan son latinos, el 20 por ciento no lo son. Los estudiantes representaron 30 países diferentes, incluyendo Etiopía e Irán.

Los ganadores de este año fueron:
Juan Pablo Ramírez Mantilla – Cup of Sugar – Shawnee Mission Northwest (1°)
Frida Fregozo – F&T Cafe – Shawnee Mission South (2°)
Daniel Moreira – Swimmer Pro – Olathe South (3°)
Adriana Cervantes – Los Michoacanos – Shawnee Mission North (4°)
Andrea Hernández – CLIM – Olathe Northwest (5°)
Lisbeth Urena – M.I.A. Luxuria – Shawnee Mission North (6º)


Kansas City Biz Fest selects winners

By Nicholas Peterson
The thirteenth annual KC Biz Fest wrapped up on Saturday (Feb 18) at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park, Kan. The event drew approximately 109 students from 19 area high schools who, together with more than 100 business mentors from local companies and organizations, collaborated on individual business cases, or mock business scenarios, with students. The event culminated with awards being granted to the top six students.
“We had really good participation,” Amarilis Valdez-Dempsey, vice chair of the board for the Greater Kansas City Hispanic Collaborative said.
“There are students that have come back and said they want to come back and mentor, even if they didn’t win.”
According toe Valdez-Dempsey, the majority of students who participate are Latino but that 20 percent are not. Students from 30 different countries, including Ethiopia and Iran, were represented.

This year’s winners were:
Juan Pablo Ramirez Mantilla – Cup of Sugar – Shawnee Mission Northwest (1st)
Frida Fregozo – F&T Cafe – Shawnee Mission South (2nd)
Daniel Moreira – Swimmer Pro – Olathe South (3rd)
Adriana Cervantes – Los Michoacanos – Shawnee Mission North (4th)
Andrea Hernandez – CLIM – Olathe Northwest (5th)
Lisbeth Urena – M.I.A. Luxuria – Shawnee Mission North (6th)


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