Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Independence Day: More than a big barbeque

Commentary by Dermidio Juez-Perez Independence Day (July 4) celebrations will soon be here again. With them, there’ll be endless hours of barbecuing, visiting with family and parties all over this great country. But does anyone stop to think about what makes this day special? The historically correct answer to that question, of course, is that […]

Generations and technology: Generation Z

Analysis by Chara Of the living generations in America, one generation appears to be linked more closely to the latest technology than the others: Generation Z. Born between 1995 and 2014, Generation Z is the generation after the Millennials. Members of Generation Z have had smartphones, tablets and social media all their lives. Typically introduced […]

En la escuela de Jesús 06.29.17

Queridos hermanos y hermanas PAZ Y BIEN PARA TODOS Y TODAS!!!  Estamos al final del mes de junio y llega el mes de julio una gran bendición celebrar la vida. Estaba orando con el Salmo 89 que me dice y nos dice: “Señor, tú has sido nuestro refugio de generación en generación. Enséñanos lo que […]

Recetas de pastelitos para celebrar

Coconut Lime Mini Breads (Minipancitos de coco y lima)     Pancitos 1-1/2   tazas de harina 1 cucharadita de cáscara de lima finamente rallada 1/2 cucharadita de polvo de hornear 1/2 taza (1 barrita) mantequilla, suavizada 1 taza azúcar granulada 3 huevos 1-1/2   cucharaditas extracto de coco 1/3 taza de leche de coco sin azúcar cobertura (opcional) […]