Ex-CIA agent raising money to buy Twitter, kick off Trump
Some people are getting fed up with how President Trump uses Twitter. Those people include Valerie Wilson, a former CIA agent who set up a GoFundMe campaign to become the largest shareholder on Twitter and ban Trump on the social media platform. As of this writing, the campaign had gathered donations from nearly 3,000 people […]
Get vaccinated, get protected
Commentary by Chara If you want to improve your chances of staying as healthy as possible – and for as long as possible – then there’s something you should do: get your vaccinations. Created with the same germs that cause diseases, vaccines stimulate the body to generate antibodies to protect it from developing short-term […]
Fear: Something most people are feeling
I would be lying if I said that fear hasn’t been one of many feelings I’ve experienced lately while watching the news. I thought that hateful acts by humankind were part of the past. I believed that massive gatherings of people, rallying in favor of hate, only belonged in history books. But in 2017 in […]
Meximetro 09.01.17
08/24/17 La Procuraduría General de Justicia de Reynosa arrestó a un hombre que es acusado de haber asesinado a su novia en un hotel de Reynosa, Tamaulipas, frente a su hijo de más de un año de edad. El arresto fue posible gracias a una investigación de las autoridades que lograron localizar al culpable. El […]
Leonardo DiCaprio, Interpretará a Leonardo DaVinci
Leonardo DiCaprio prepara el que quizás sea el mejor personaje que interprete en toda su carrera. El actor encarnará al gran artista y científico italiano Leonardo Da Vinci. La cinta se basará en las notas escritas dentro del conocido libro de Walter Isaacson, que se basa en la vida del genio del Renacimiento. El actor […]
Employees begin to hate their job at age 35, survey shows
Analysis by Melissa Arroyo Adults landing new jobs in their 20s are typically excited to start working and motivated to advance in their careers and build their professional reputation. But older workers don’t share their level of excitement about their jobs, according to a survey where more than 2,000 employees in the United Kingdom above […]
DUI checkpoints held in memory of KC area victims
Story and photos by Melissa Arroyo On Aug. 26, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) of Missouri held an event at McGilley Chapel, 12301 State Line Rd, Kansas City, Mo as part of the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign to partner with local law enforcement agencies. Community partners, volunteers and survivors were present to […]
La Columna de Cala: Libérate con el mindfulness
¿Cuál es tu nivel de estrés? De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el 15% de los ciudadanos vive con depresión, una tasa muy alta. Además, la OMS también asegura que la ansiedad afecta más a las mujeres que a los hombres. Vivimos en una época en la que las horas han cambiado […]
En la escuela de Jesús 08.31.17
Queridos hermanos y hermanas llegó el mes Septiembre mes de la Biblia La intención es que durante este mes, en todas las comunidades cristianas, se desarrollen algunas actividades que nos permitan acercarnos mejor y con más provecho a la Palabra de Dios. Propuestas para escuchar la Palabra 1. La lectura diaria de los textos bíblicos […]
Congressman Cleaver’s Statement Regarding DACA
(Kansas City, MO) – Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II released the following statement in regards to President Trump’s plans to effectively end the DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, program. “Because I am an ordained United Methodist clergy, I cannot resist saying that Ezekiel 18 is clear, each individual is responsible for his/her own […]