Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

50 years later celebrating A Hero

Photos by Clara and Manuel Reyes
50 years ago Primitivo Garcia “Tivo”, a 23 year old immigrant from Mexico helped his teacher, Margaret Kindermann. An ESL teacher at Westport High School in Kansas City, MO; where Tivo and his brother Alfredo attended. The teacher was being attacked by a gang.
During the celebration the teacher, Margaret Kinermann (now Kelso) gave an emotional testimony of how Tivo gave his life to save hers and her daughters. She relates how a gang attacked her, took her purse and put her on the floor. She was screaming “I’m pregnant please leave me alone”… but they didn’t care. She was screaming “help help” when two young boys appeared (Primitivo and his brother Alfredo). I heard one of the gang members say “kill them kill them”… then I heard the gun shot. Then Tivo said “run Alfredo run”! Tivo had been wounded. I was going to the hospital daily until he died weeks later.
The celebration was held at Primitivo Garcia Elementary School, 1000 W 17th St. Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday November 25, 2017. More then 500 people attended. Family, members of the city, state and Washington Representatives; who presented the City Proclamation to the family. Kansas City Mayor, Sly James proclaimed Primitivo Garcia week.

The Garcia family would like to thank everyone who made this celebration a success.


Celebrando un Heroe 50 años despues 

Hace 50 años Primitivo García “Tivo”, un imigrante de México de 23 años ayudó a su maestra, Margaret Kindermann. Su maestra de Inglés de la escuela Westport High en Kansas City, Missouri; en donde “Tivo” y su hermano Alfredo asistían.
En la celebración la maestra, Margaret Kinermann (ahora Kelso) dio un testimonio emocional de cómo “Tivo” salvó su vida y la de su hija. Ella relata cómo unos miembros de pandilla la atacaron, le quitaron su bolsa y a ella la empujaron al suelo. Yo les grité, “por favor no… estoy embarazada déjenme”.. pero a ellos no les importó. Empecé a gritar ayuda, ayuda; cuando dos jóvenes llegaron (Tivo y Alfredo). Oí que uno de los pandilleros grito “mátalos”… y luego escuché el balazo. Y a “Tivo” gritar “corre Alfredo corre”! “Tivo” quedó herido. Yo iba al hospital diario hasta que falleció.
La celebración se llevó a cabo en la escuela primaria de Primitivo García, 1000 W 17th St. Kansas City, Missouri el sábado 25 de noviembre 2017. Asistieron más de 500 personas; familia, miembros de la ciudad, estado y representantes de Washington; quien present o Proclamaciónes a la familia. Kansas City Mayor, Sly James proclamó la semana de Primitivo García.

La Familia García quiere agradecer a todos los que hicieron de esta celebración un éxito.


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