Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

DACA youth with disablity arrested by ICE

A 20-year-old “Dreamer” protected with Deferred Action status (DACA) has been in ICE detention for a month despite President Donald Trump promises to not chase young people under that program. The Huffington Post published that Felipe Abonza-López, who has had a prosthetic leg since he was a child, was arrested despite not having a criminal […]

Know what heart disease is and how to prevent it

Commentary by Chara With February being American Heart Month, this is an appropriate time to examine a serious health problem in the United States: heart disease. According to statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year, around 630,000 people die of heart disease in the United States. It’s considered the leading […]

State of the Union address: more of the same rhetoric

Analysis and Commentary by Eulogio JP President Trump is comfortable talking in front of people, especially if he gets to talk about himself. Typically, Trump’s favorite topics are how he’s never treated fairly and how he alone can fix everything. However, Trump showed on Tuesday night (Jan. 30) in Washington, D.C., that he’s trainable, just […]