Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Dra. Nancy Álarez: Is man the stronger sex? (II)

By Dra. Nancy Álvarez In the previous issue, we saw that a man is required to have physical strength, courage, to not express his emotions and to be authoritarian and dominant. But this doesn’t help when it comes to building a relationship and a family. What does it take for a relationship to work and […]

“El Chapo” will have an anonymous, protected jury

By Tere Siqueira On Feb. 5, a federal judge in Brooklyn, N.Y., granted a government request for an anonymous, partially sequestered jury for the trial of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. According to The New York Times, U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan ordered that the jurors’ names, work places and addresses be kept secret […]

Around The Globe: 02.22.18

Here are some of the recent stories that have made national and international headlines: *Federal, state lawmakers discussing stricter gun-control laws: As multiple news agencies have reported, the Feb. 14 mass shooting at a Miami area high school has sparked the Florida Legislature to consider legislation that would change the state’s gun laws. According to […]

Teach your children a balanced use of technology

Commentary by Carey Juez-Perez, Licensed Clinical Social Worker American culture relies on technology. Technological devices provide our main sources of entertainment, communication and research information. At work, we use technology every day, whether it’s a computer, a cash register or equipment at a doctor’s office. Even schools have computers for children to research subjects, take […]

J Balvin, padece enfermedad

J Balvin, habló sobre la enfermedad que lo acosa desde hace algunos años: La depresión. El colombiano de 32 años reveló que ya está siendo tratado con medicamentos. “Las depresiones hay que dejarlas de ver como si fueran algo de locos, hay que entender que hay desbalances químicos… Cuando ya es muy a fondo y […]

Black Lives Matter activist shot dead in New Orleans

By Tere Siqueira On the morning of Feb. 6, a Black Lives Matter activist was shot and killed. Muhiyidin Moye (a.k.a., Muhiyidin d’Baha), 32, spent years fighting for racial equality as an activist and protester. Originally from New York, Moye lived in the Charleston, S.C., area, where he became known for his appearance in a […]

María Marín: Amor de lejos…¿Felices los cuatro?

Siempre me preguntan ¿qué si creo que el amor puede florecer de lejos? Yo creo que es difícil pero no imposible. Para que un vínculo amoroso sobreviva la distancia tiene que tratarse de una separación temporal, donde eventualmente habrá una fecha para una reunión permanente. En caso que encuentres el amor en otro código de […]

Mexímetro 02.22.18

02/15/18 Una persona se electrocutó mientras arreglaba una casa en la Colonia Los Pinos de Chihuahua. El hombre realizaba trabajos de albañilería cuando sin querer tocó un cable que le causó se electrocutara. Una ambulancia llegó a ayudarlo y fue llevado a un hospital del área en donde su estado de salud es reportado como […]

Dr. Myriam Ensling: Tips on how to read and interpret food labels: Part 7

Proteins: The natural sources of protein are meats: This includes beef, pork, fish, poultry, tofu, eggs, and cheese. Proteins are built from large molecules that are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. There are non-essential amino acids that the human body can get from fat or carbohydrates in the diet and there are […]

Poncho de Anda, El nuevo conductor del programa “Hoy”

El del ex conductor de “Venga la Alegría”, Poncho de Anda, será uno de los conductores que se integrarán al programa matutino de Televisa, Hoy. En días pasados Poncho estuvo de invitado ala emisión, y él anunció con “bombo y platillo” su llegada a Televisa en las redes sociales. Otra de las sorpresas que habrá […]

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