Carlsen Center welcomes new Arts Education program director

By Angie Baldelomar The Carlsen Center recently welcomed Kara Armstrong as its new Arts Education program director. Based at Johnson County Community College (JCCC) in Overland Park, Kansas, the Carlsen Center presents one of the largest multidisciplinary performing arts series in the region. The Arts Education program presents youth performances that cultivate future audiences, learning […]
Dra. Nancy Álvarez: What does it take to have a good divorce?

First, you have to define what others call “a good divorce.” That doesn’t exist, because to have a good divorce, you need the same thing you need to have a good marriage: -Respect -Loyalty -Good communication -Having grown as a human being -Be transparent -Behave like an adult -Value others -Be sincere -Know how to […]
En la escuela de Jesús 09.13.18

Mis hermanos, un saludo de corazón para cada uno de ustedes, que la Paz de Cristo los acompañe SIEMPRE, saludándoles y transmitiendo ESPERANZA y ALEGRÍA en su vida cotidiana y si hay dificultades estas nos hacen más fuertes cada día, cuando estamos en las MANOS DE MI SEÑOR. El pasado viernes 7 de septiembre se vivió […]
Hispanic Heritage Month: A who’s who of Hispanic Americans

An introduction to our Hispanic Heritage Month series By Chara National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15) recognizes Hispanic Americans and their contributions to American society. Many Hispanics have contributed to American history – and continue to make contributions to American society. In Dos Mundos we will be writing a profile about some of the […]
Olivia Newton John, librará nuevamente contra el cáncer

Olivia Newton John reveló que por tercera ocasión le fue diagnosticado cáncer, esta vez un tumor en la parte baja de la espalda. La artista dio a conocer esta triste noticia en el programa “Sunday Night” de la televisión australiana, pero con una fortaleza impresionante comentó: “Aún lo estoy tratando de manera natural y va […]
Missouri ID holders might have problems traveling by air

By Chara If the state of Missouri doesn’t get another extension to comply with the identification requirements under the Real ID Act, Missourians might face difficulties traveling by plane if they don’t have a passport. Implemented to make ID cards comply with security standards for license issuance and production, the Real ID Act prohibits federal […]
Psychologist provides advice on talking with children about bullying, suicide

By Angie Baldelomar In August, the death of a 9-year-old in Colorado made headlines. Denver police officers said the boy had died by suicide days after starting the fourth grade. His mother said she thought bullying was a factor in his death, especially after coming out as gay. Experts claim that bullying and suicide are […]
Alcantara provides look inside the mind of a former bully

By Tere Siqueira Over the past few years, many American schools have taken steps to try to address a growing concern over bullying. The website defines bullying as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.” According to the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics, […]
Danna Paola, estrena serie en Nexflix

La carrera actoral de Danna Paola sube como la espuma y después de realizar algunos proyectos interesantes en el cine y en la televisión estadounidense, ahora la actriz tomará las riendas de una serie original de Netflix que reflejará los excesos de la juventud mexicana de cierto nivel social. Se trata de ‘Élite’ la […]
Mexímetro 09.13.18

09/06/18 Un grupo de 343 inmigrantes provenientes de países de de Centroamérica fueron ubicados en General Bravo en Monterrey. El grupo fue detectado por autoridades que llevaron al grupo a recibir atención médica. El grupo será repatriado a sus países de origen. 09/07/18 El alcalde electo del municipio de Gómez Farías fue atacado por una […]