Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Gabriel Soto, llega a ‘Mi marido tiene más familia’

Gabriel Soto confirma integrarse al elenco de la telenovela ‘Mi marido tiene más familia’, tras la salida del actor Daniel Arenas, quien ya tenía compromisos pactados con anticipación. Gabriel lo confirmó a los medios de comunicación al salir de la oficina de Juan Osorio, productor del melodrama. Gabriel indicó: “Hay novedades gracias a Dios, Juan […]

Huerta winning victories for Latinos through activism

By Chara Part IV of a National Hispanic Heritage Month commemoration series A Latina’s activism has earned her national recognition, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest award for civilians. The activist is Dolores Huerta. Born in New Mexico, Huerta graduated from the Stockton College branch of the University of the Pacific system with […]

Chicano Movement fought for Mexican-Americans in many ways

Analysis by Tere Siqueira During the 1960s, a new generation of Mexican-Americans started a movement. Called the Chicano Movement, it was a political and cultural movement that worked to improve Mexican-Americans’ social, financial and political conditions. In observation of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15), it seems appropriate to examine the specifics of what […]

Dave says 10.12.18

Dear Dave, If someone is following your plan, is it a good idea to get mortgage disability insurance during Baby Step 2? Craig Dear Craig, No, it is not. Mortage disability insurance is a gimmick, and I would never recommend it to anyone. I think I know where you’re going with this. During Baby Step 1, […]

Atala Sarmiento, se incorpora a Televisa

La ex conductora de Ventaneando, Atala Sarmiento, es la nueva conductora del programa de espectáculos “Intrusos” de Televisa. Sarmiento ingresó en lugar de Maca Carriedo, quien fue despedida tras denunciar discriminación. La conductora fue presentada como la cuarta conductora del show producido por Carmen Armendáriz, quien está muy emocionada con la nueva adquisición, informa Radio […]

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