Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Deportes y más deportes….11.01.18

Lopetegui dice adiós al Real Madrid El DT merengue Julen Lopetegui ha dejado de ser el DT del club. El Real Madrid dio a conocer la noticia por medio de un comunicado de prensa en su sitio de internet en donde agradecieron la participación de Lopetegui con el club. Además, el Madrid anunció a su […]

Thalía, lanza línea de cosméticos

Thalía lanzó al mercado, en una alianza con la marca de cosméticos Ulta Beauty, su colección de pestañas y productos para las cejas, y contorno. La cantante fue recibida por fans de todo el mundo y lo disfrutó muchísimo. A través de sus redes sociales ella agradeció el apoyo que recibió para su colección Eylure […]

Julia Roberts, denuncia discriminación contra las actrices maduras

Julia Roberts reveló en su más reciente entrevista la discriminación que sufren las mujeres de la industria cuando atraviesan la barrera de los cincuenta es fruto de una mentalidad absurda y extremadamente limitada. “Eso de que cuando llegas a una cierta edad tocan las campanas y tienes que irte a casa no es verdad. Yo […]

Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra: How to vote?

We get another chance to vote on November 6th. How do we know what to do and who to vote for? A look at our recent history gives some help on how to figure it out. The rules on what to do depend on where you live. In Kansas, it is possible to vote right […]

Suspicious packages have telltale signs

By Angie Baldelomar After 12 bombs were sent recently to top Democrats and a news station, the topic of bombs and chemicals sent by mail has produced unease among many people. According to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the postal service processes more than 170 billion pieces of mail every year and only a tiny […]

Parent involvement is key to academic success of children

By Angie Baldelomar Educators see parental involvement as being a vital part of a child’s educational success. However, for various reasons, many parents are not actively involved in their children’s education. For context, in 2016, around 93 percent of parents with a graduate or professional degree attended school or class events, according to the National […]

Latest caravan decreasing in size

By Chara Some new developments have emerged in the story of a caravan of Central American immigrants headed northward. More than 7,000 immigrants were reportedly walking and fighting hunger, exhaustion and thirst while heading from Central America to U.S. territory. However, multiple news reports have reported that the caravan has shrunk to 4,000 people because […]

Trump wants to end birthright citizenship through executive order

By Angie Baldelomar In his latest effort to curb immigration, President Trump has announced he’s planning to sign an executive order seeking to end the right to U.S. citizenship for children born in the United States to non-citizens. Legal experts claim the move would go against the Constitution. It also was dismissed on Tuesday (Oct. […]