Alejandra Guzmán, tiene que volver al quirófano

Alejandra Guzmán dejará inconclusa la gira que realiza, pues tendrá que volver al quirófano, ya que comienza a tener muchos dolores en la espalda. “Salí apenas hace 3 semanas, y debido al polímero que se me acumula, mi cuerpo tiene una reacción: me duele y mi sistema de defensas baja y tengo que atenderlo rápidamente” […]
Congressman Cleaver Receives the Edward W. Brooke Housing Leadership Award

(Washington, D.C.) – Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-MO) last night was awarded the Edward W. Brooke Housing Leadership Award by the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), a leading nonprofit dedicated to ensuring low-income Americans have affordable and sufficient housing. The award is named after the first black Senator popularly elected to office and was presented at NLIHC’s […]
Adriel Favela returns to Kansas City

Regional Mexican singer Adriel Favela will perform this Saturday (April 6) at the Bermudas Event Center (Bermudas Night Club) in Kansas City, Kansas, as part of his “La Escuela No Me Gustó” tour. This will be Favela’s third time in Kansas City. This time, he comes with more maturity, he said. “I’ve been through a […]