Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Technology trends to watch this year – and beyond

The world is evolving. And technology is changing with it. As part of the technological evolution, here are some trends to watch during the rest of this year – and beyond: *Artificial intelligence (AI): This year, artificial intelligence has become more prevalent than ever. AI assistants such as Alexa and Siri, for example, are commonplace. […]

Take Your Workout Outdoors for a Fresh Boost

As temperatures rise and the sun shines brighter, you might start taking your workouts outside more often. To ensure your body’s comfort and safety, you may need to refresh your fitness regimen. These tips can help you safely enjoy your summer workouts: *Wear sweat-proof sunscreen. Protecting your skin is a year-round endeavor, but when it’s […]

Termómetro KC: Noticias locales 07.05.19

06/27/19 Un hombre del Condado de Jackson ha sido culpado de haberle disparado a una mujer después de que discutieran. Autoridades llegaron al lugar después de que se les informara que habían habido disparos en la calle 50 y Chestnut. Al llegar encontraron a una mujer herida en la calle. El culpable fue arrestado y […]

Child with autism publishes first book

Ten-year-old Sergio Gomez Quintero has published his first book, “My blue universe,” with 29 tales about zombies, monsters and imaginary friends. The boy from Granada, Spain, has always loved writing and literature. He also has always had to live with autism. Literature and writing have helped him advance in his speech and communication skills. “Sergio […]

How to Safely Tackle Home Projects

When contemplating home upgrades or building projects, contractors and DIYers alike focus on factors such as budget, scheduling and materials. Another important consideration before starting work on any project – from renovating a main living area to expanding a bathroom or transforming your outdoor space – is safety. While having properly functioning tools is crucial […]

Emma Stone se fractura en concierto de las Spice Girls

Emma Stone sufrió un accidente durante un concierto de las Spice Girls en Londres, y como consecuencia se fracturó un hombro, lo que la mantendrá en reposo por varias semanas. La actriz disfrutaba del concierto en el estadio de Wembley cuando sufrió una caída, y un amigo la auxilió sacándola en brazos para llevarla a […]

Chloë Grace Moretz, la nueva Gatubela

Chloë Grace Moretz es la favorita para interpretar a Gatúbela, personaje que ya estuvo en manos de Michelle Pfeiffer y Anne Hathaway, en la nueva película de Batman. Según el sitio especializado en cine We Got This Covered, la protagonista de “Kick Ass” formaría parte del elenco de villanos.La actriz estadunidense de 22 años, enfrentaría […]

Bad Bunny y J Balvin lanzan disco juntos

Los astros de la música urbana lanzaron el viernes “Oasis”, una producción creada para refrescar este verano boreal con los sonidos del Caribe en mente. El primer sencillo es “Qué pretendes” y su respectivo video también debutó el viernes. “Oasis” está compuesto de ocho canciones e incluye colaboraciones de Mr. Eazi, en “Como un bebé”, […]

La columna de Jessica Piedra: Latest News on DACA

The last months have been up and down for DACA. The Supreme Court said early in June that it would not take the case. Then they switched course and ultimately announced last Friday that they would take the case in their next session. The House of Representatives passed the DREAM and Promise Act of 2019 […]

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