More social media usage linked to rise in depressive symptoms, study claims
By Roberta Pardo A new study has revealed the extent to which screen time and depression might be linked in young people’s lives. For every additional hour young people spend on social media or watching television, the severity of depressive symptoms increases, according to a study published July 15 in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. The […]
Valentín Elizalde, preparan su bioserie
Francisco “El Gallo” Elizalde, hermano menor del cantante Valentín Elizalde, dio a conocer la noticia de que se está preparando una bioserie de su hermano antes de su presentación que ha tenido acercamientos con televisoras para que la vida de Valentín llegue a la pantalla chica. “Aún no está concreto, esperamos que ya se dé […]
Fun Ways To Inspire Kids’ Imaginations
According to numerous studies, imaginative play in childhood can be critical to cognitive and social development. Research suggests that make-believe games can increase language usage, help with self-regulation, let children express a range of emotions, and teach them to think creatively. In addition, keeping kids’ brains active and engaged can help prevent a decline in […]
Mauricio Garcés, tendrá su serie y museo
Familiares de Mauricio Garcés acudieron a la develación de placa de las casi 100 funciones y cierre de ciclo de la obra “¡Suertudotas!”, escrita y dirigida por Joaquín Bissner. Doris Férez, sobrina de Mauricio Garcés y heredera de los derechos del nombre e imagen del artista, dice que quieren hacer una serie biográfica y también […]
New citizenship policy to affect federal workers living abroad
A U.S. citizenship policy scheduled to take effect Oct. 29 will affect the children of federal workers living abroad who are born after that day. According to multiple media outlets, children who are born in other countries to American parents serving in the military or working a federal job might be ineligible to automatically claim […]
Selena Gómez, ya trabaja en nueva música
La cantante de 27 años no ha lanzado material propio desde ‘Back to You’ del año pasado, y después de tomarse un tiempo fuera del centro de atención para trabajar en su salud mental, ahora ha revelado que está lista para regresar al estudio nuevamente, diciéndole a los fanáticos que hay nueva música en camino. […]
Put Your Home To Work This Winter
By NAPSI Here’s an idea many homeowners may warm to: Rent out your place as a vacation home. With vacation rentals becoming a preferred choice for travelers and their families, homeowners can realize the financial benefits of renting their homes when they’re not in use. In fact, a recent report shows that over half of […]
Salma Hayek, llega con ‘Monarca’ a Netflix
Netflix estrena el próximo 13 de septiembre, la nueva serie ‘Monarca’, producida por Salma Hayek, y protagonizado por Irene Azuela, Juan Manuel Bernal y Osvaldo Benavides. El drama gira en torno a la poderosa e influyente familia Carranza, que aprovechó el sistema de corrupción para crear un imperio en torno a su Tequila Herederos. “Bienvenidos […]
East Coast braces for Hurricane Dorian
By Roberta Pardo Hurricane Dorian is fast approaching the U.S. East Coast. As of Wednesday morning (Sept. 4), the hurricane was about 100 miles off Florida’s east coast and was expected to reach the coasts of the Carolinas later in the week. Approximately 396,000 residents are under mandatory evacuation orders in North Carolina, according to […]
La Columna de Jessica Piedra: New Risks for immigrants
Hello friends, the government is getting more interested in what immigrants do in their free time. Between denials for CBD use and monitoring social media, immigrants, especially those applying at US Consulates, should beware. The saying, “Better safe than sorry” rings true for keeping families together. Many of our clients have to finish their processes […]