María Marín: Los 4 peores hombres
By María Marín “Los caballeros las prefieren brutas” es el título de uno de los libros de la controversial y famosa escritora y actriz Santo Domingo. Recientemente la entrevisté en mi programa “Maria Marin Live” por Facebook. Su sarcasmo y humor nos hizo estallar de risa, especialmente cuando habló de los 4 peores tipos de […]
Maleficent Mistress of Evil
Maleficent Mistress Of Evil se estrenará en Digital 4K Ultra HD™ y Movies Anywhere el 31 de diciembre y en 4K Ultra HD y Blu-ray™ el 14 de enero BURBANK, California (4 de diciembre de 2019) — Recibe el año nuevo con la villana más emblemática de Disney: “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil”, que alcanzó el […]
How to use your credit card safely and responsibly
Commentary by Chara Having a credit card is a big advantage. A credit card can help you build your credit score. That, in turn, can help you when it comes time to buy a house or a car. It also can help you track your spending. But there are potential risks that come with a […]
Federal gov’t raises the minimum age to buy tobacco products
By Chara Smokers who are under 21 can no longer buy cigarettes or e-cigarettes from their favorite stores. On Dec. 20, 2019, President Trump approved a law setting 21 years old as the minimum age for buying tobacco products. Before the federal government established the law, 19 states and the District of Columbia already had […]
Mexímetro – Noticias de México
01/09/20 Autoridades mexicanas informaron que al menos 8 personas fueron extraditadas a Estados Unidos por diversos crímenes que incluyen asociación delictuosa, lavado de dinero y drogas. Todos los criminales fueron puestos a disposición de autoridades de Estados Unidos en el aeropuerto de Toluca y serán sometidos a un juicio una vez que lleguen a los […]
How to boost your retirement funds
By Chara The earlier you start saving for your retirement, the better off you will be whenever you do not want to work anymore or your health forces you to retire. Here are some tips that will help you boost your retirement funds: *Start saving early: The earlier you start saving, the less you will […]