Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Deportes y más deportes… 11.23.23

Copa América ya tiene sede de arranquePor medio de un mensaje en sus cuentas de redes sociales, la CONMEBOL anunció que la Copa América, que está supuesta iniciar el próximo 20 de junio tendrá su primer partido en Atlanta. Asimismo, dicho organismo informó que el último partido será jugado en el Hard Rock Stadium de […]

Kylie Reyes celebrates XV birthday

On Nov. 18, Edward and Susie Reyes celebrated the 15th birthday of their daughter, Kylie. The ceremony was hosted at the Johnson Court Historical Museum Station. Kylie Reyes celebra sus XV años El sábado, 18 de Noviembre, Edward y Susie Reyes festejaron los XV años de su hija Kylie en el Johnson Court Historical Museum […]

Aileen Salazar celebrates XV birthday

On Nov. 4, Jesus and Olga Salazar celebrated the 15th birthday of their daughter, Aileen Salazar. The ceremony was hosted at Memorial Station in Belton, Mo. Aileen Salazar celebra sus XV años El sabado 4 de Noviembre, Jesus y Olga Salazar festejaron los XV años de su hija Aileen Salazar en el Memorial Station en […]

GCI encourages community to participate in Adopt-A-Family

By Angie Baldelomar Guadalupe Centers Inc. (GCI) wants to bring joy to families in need this holiday season.Through the Adopt-A-Family program, people in the community can choose to adopt a single senior citizen, a family with children or individuals going through a tough time and help make their Christmas joyful by getting them gifts for […]

Use of AI in art world a concern to some

By CharaSomething has arrived in the art world that’s changing how people are creating art: artificial intelligence (AI).And some artists aren’t fans of it.AI is computer technology used for various types of problem-solving, including art-related problems like image creation. By being commanded to look for specific figures and colors, for example, it can create digital […]

Jorge Ramos: Trump deportaría a millones

Este siempre ha sido el sueño de Donald Trump: deportar la mayor cantidad posible de indocumentados. Durante su presidencia (2017-2021), su administración deportó a cientos de miles. Y si logra la reelección en el 2024, tiene planes de deportar a millones más, crear grandes campos de detención y organizar redadas masivas, según una investigación de […]

Editorial: Hope & help inform this Thanksgiving

As part of the research for her most recent book, “She Come by It Natural”, author Sarah Smarsh attended concerts on Dolly Parton’s 2016 tour. The journalist and author noted something “surprising and heartening” – the wondrous all-inclusive heterogeneity of Parton’s fans.Recounting her concert impressions in an interview with The New York Times, Smarsh said, […]

Creating art is beneficial to your health

Commentary by Chara The arts are forms of human expression.They’re also tools for humans to use to stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.Some health benefits of creating art include the following: *Stress reduction: The act of creating art allows individuals to enter a state of flow – a mental state where one is fully immersed […]

Kansas City Ballet carries on holiday tradition

By Roberta Pardo Kansas City Ballet carries on holiday tradition An annual tradition of the Kansas City Ballet, staging “The Nutcracker,” will continue this holiday season.According to an Oct. 10 press release, the company’s record-breaking, critically acclaimed production of “The Nutcracker,” presented by Bank of America, will run Dec. 1-24 at the Kauffman Center for […]

Muralists fill KC streets with art

By Angie Baldelomar When Isaac Tapia and Rodrigo “Rico” Alvarez started doing murals, they could never have imagined they would become a sought-after muralist duo in the Kansas City area.Tapia and Alvarez — from Mexico and Uruguay, respectively — met when they attended Paseo Academy. Years later, they reconnected and worked on their first mural […]

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