Deportes y más deportes…02.08.24

En busca del cuarto Vince LombardiLos Kansas City Chiefs buscarán ganar su cuarto Super Bowl, y el tercero de la era Patrick Mahomes, cuando enfrenten a los San Francisco 49ers. el domingo en Las Vegas.Los dirigidos por Andy Reid llegaron esta semana a Las Vegas y se mostraron confiados en poder coronar una temporada de […]
Game at a glance: Super Bowl LVIII

Kansas City coach Andy Reid and his Chiefs are looking to do something no NFL franchise has done in roughly 20 years when they face San Francisco Sunday (Feb. 11) in Las Vegas, Nevada: win back-to-back Super Bowls.With information provided by multiple sources, here’s a look at the two teams playing in Super Bowl LVIII: […]
How to give your Valentine’s Day celebration a fun twist

Commentary by Tere Siqueira For many people, Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) often brings pressure to make a grand gesture, such as buying a loved one an expensive gift.But the essence of the holiday is the genuine expression of love and caring. With that in mind, there are many ways to make the day special – […]
Top 10 spots: Places for romantic dining

Commentary by Tere Siqueira As Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) approaches, the air in the Kansas City area seems to be whispering romance.In this inaugural entry of this column, where we at Dos Mundos guide you through the area’s top spots, we encourage you to explore the area’s most romantic dining destinations. Whether this will be […]
Café Corazón Crossroads hosts Kansas City Symphony in free event

Café Corazón Crossroads in collaboration with the Kansas City Symphony hosted a show where music and culture converge in a free, open-to-all show on Feb. 3 at 110 Southwest Blvd in Kansas City, Missouri.The special performance featured the exceptional talents of Joseph Nunez on bass and James Zabawa-Martinez on the violin, both esteemed musicians from […]
Jorge Ramos: México No Es Un País ‘Pacifico’

México es un país maravilloso. Extraordinario. Pero no es pacífico. En esto se equivoca el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Y para que las cosas cambien es necesario reconocer la violenta realidad que viven casi 130 millones de mexicanos.Esto fue lo que pasó en la última “mañanera” a la que asistí.Cinco veces he solicitado entrar […]
Editorial: February, life-saving love heart month

The focus of February is love and its familiar symbol – the heart. Possibly rooted in ancient pagan and Christian legends, February’s been known for centuries as the month of love. Its dedication to the heart is shorter-lived. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declared February American Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and […]
Kansas City museum’s new soda fountain officially opens officially opens on Feb. 8

The Kansas City Museum’s soda fountain, Elixir, located Downstairs in Corinthain Hall, officially opens to the public on Thursday, February 8. The Museum is partnering with local restaurants and coffee shops to offer a menu of grab-and-go/ pre-packaged food items from The Spot Coffee Bakery & Café, The French Market & Café, Marcell Coffee, and […]