Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Power & Light District celebra cultura latina con festival


El Power & Light District de Kansas City, Missouri pronto celebrará diferentes aspectos de la cultura latina cuando ofrezca el primer Festival Musical Latino En Vivo
“Aunque se llama Festival Musical Latino en Vivo, estamos abarcando diferentes áreas de la cultura, no solamente la música”, dijo a Ashley Stout,  directora de ventas del Power & Light District.
A partir de la 1 p.m, el evento familiar se llevará a cabo el 21 de agosto en 1330 Grand Blvd. De acuerdo con Stout, estarán diferentes vendedores, incluyendo vendedores de comida latina y de mercancía auténtica.
“Realmente queremos poder tener el género musical para todos en el área de Kansas City. Estamos justo en medio de la ciudad y queremos celebrar esta cultura y presentarla,”.
Al igual que otros eventos familiares, este incluirá actividades para niños. El festival tendrá un área interactiva para niños con diferentes actividades, tales como artes y manualidades, lo informó Liz Serpa-Flook, directora de logística y relaciones comunitarias del Power & Light District. Y debido a que habrá bebidas alcohólicas en la localidad, los menores de 21 años deben estar acompañados por uno de sus padres o tutor.
Entre las presentaciones musicales estarán Maria the Mexican, Tekila, La Fonda All-Stars, Tropical Azul y un titular  establecido por un nominado del Latin Grammy La Santa Cecilia. En los intermedios de las presentaciones de cada artista, habrá DJ para el público. Entre los DJ que se espera participarán están DJ Jalapeño, DJ 151, DJ Hawk, DJ Khadi y DJ Sal Cruz.
“Estamos emocionados con este primer año. Esta será una plataforma -y a partir de aquí esperamos que crezca”, dijo Stout.
Para el festival, el Power & Light District se ha asociado con Guadalupe Centers Inc. una parte de las ganancias de las venta de boletos serán para el centro, de acuerdo con Serpa –Flook.
“Realmente nos gusta la idea de siempre tener un socio caritativo para los eventos que hacemos”, declaró Serpa-Fook. “Tiene lógica que hayamos escogido una entidad que es muy cercana y querida para la comunidad latina”.
Para recibir mayor información sobre el evento, visite la página en Facebook Vivo Latino Music Festival at KC. Para comprar boletos, visite ticketfly.com.


Power & Light District celebrating Latino culture with festival

By Katherine Diaz
Kansas City, Mo.’s Power & Light District will soon celebrate various aspects of Latino culture when it hosts the first En Vivo Latino Music Festival.
“Even though it is called (the) En Vivo Latino Music Festival, we are encompassing different areas of the culture, not just the music itself,” said Ashley Stout, Power & Light District marketing manager.
Starting at 1 p.m., this family-friendly event will be held on Aug. 21 at 1330 Grand Blvd. According to Stout, various vendors will be there, including Latin food vendors and vendors selling authentic merchandise.
“We really want to be able to have the (music) genre floored by everyone in the Kansas City area,” Stout said. “We’re right in the middle of the city and we want to celebrate this culture and showcase, it if you will.”
As with other family events, this one will include children’s activities. The festival will have a children’s interactive area with various activities, such as arts and crafts, according to Liz Serpa-Flook, Power & Light District logistics and community relations manager. And because alcoholic beverages will be available on location, anyone younger than 21 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Music performances will include Maria the Mexican, Tekila, La Fonda All-Stars, Tropical Azul and a headlining set by Latin Grammy Nominee La Santa Cecilia. In between each artist’s appearance, disc jockeys (DJs) will entertain the crowd. DJs who are expected to participate include DJ Jalapeño, DJ 151, DJ Hawk, DJ Khadi and DJ Sal Cruz.
“We’re excited for the first year,” Stout said. “This will be a platform – and from this, we just hope to grow.”
For the festival, the Power & Light District is partnering with the Guadalupe Centers Inc. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will be contributed to the center, according to Serpa-Flook.
“We really like the idea of always having a charitable partner for events that we do,” Serpa-Flook stated. “It would only make sense that we pick out an entity that was very near and dear to the Latino community.”
For more information on the event, visit the Facebook page En Vivo Latino Music Festival at KC. To purchase tickets, visit ticketfly.com.


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