Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

HDF launches Change for Change campaign

The Hispanic Development Fund (HDF) has launched a new initiative to raise more money for Kansas City area students. Called Change for Change, the campaign uses an innovative, digital approach and encourages partners and past scholarship recipients to start their own fund-raising campaigns online to benefit the cause. As of this writing, the campaign had […]

Termómetro KC: Noticias locales 06.01.17

05/25/17 Un hombre de Kansas City, Mo., se enfrenta a cargos de robo en el área de Northland. La vivienda es el hogar de un policía y el muchacho es acusado de robar varios artículos conmemorativos otorgados al oficial por el Departamento de Policía de Kansas City. El arresto fue hecho después de que autoridades […]

Greater kidney disease awareness needed in Hispanic community

The Hispanic community needs to be made more aware of a serious health issue: kidney diseases. The kidneys are in charge of cleaning waste from our bodies, regulating blood pressure and balancing electrolytes. A person is diagnosed with a kidney disease when the kidneys aren’t working properly. A person with a kidney disease might experience […]

En la escuela de Jesús 06.01.17

Le doy gracias a Dios Todo poderoso por permitirnos llegar al final de este mes de mayo y comienzo de junio, donde las escuelas tienen su periodo de vacaciones y los padres de familia más dedicados a sus hijos y sus trabajos, ya que están en casa, además algunos aprovechan para salir de paseo, me […]

Baywatch llega alos cines

Los populares socorristas que se encargan de la seguridad en la playa de Santa Mónica llegan a la gran pantalla, ellos son la élite de la élite, el alma de esta playa. Mitch Buchannon (Dwayne Johnson), un estricto y esforzado socorrista de la antigua escuela, deberá trabajar codo con codo con el rebelde Matt Brody […]

Street talk: the generation who doesn’t want kids

People have noticed the falling number of birthrate in different regions around the world and they are questioning the reasons behind why millennial women, born between 1980 and 2000, don’t want children as other generations did. To the question “Do you want kids?” the answer from many women was “No” followed by long explanations of […]

“13 Reasons Why,” teen suicide and the bigger picture

An online series is helping to break the ice about the highly difficult topic of teen suicide. The trending Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” is a story about a teen-age boy who discovers the reasons why his high school friend committed suicide. Shortly after its release in March, counselors, social workers and members of the […]