Editorial : 09.21.17 Respect

On Jan. 17, 1961, the 34th president of the United States delivered his farewell address. In his formal goodbye, Dwight D. Eisenhower said this: “Down the long lane of history yet to be written, America knows that this world of ours, ever growing smaller, must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and […]
Lili Estefan anuncia su divorcio

La presentadora cubana confirma en ‘El Gordo y la Flaca’ que tras 28 años de relación y dos hijos ha iniciado un proceso de separación del empresario Lorenzo Luaces La enorme sonrisa de Lili Estefan (Habana, Cuba, 1967) se borró. Este jueves la presentadora de El gordo y la flaca no habló, como es costumbre […]
Shakira es la reina del Reggaetón

Shakira ha reafirmado su lugar en la industria del reggaetón con el estreno del video musical de ‘Perro Fiel’, mismo que fue lanzado ayer y en donde comparte créditos con Nicky Jam. Envuelta en un bikini dorado y con el cuerpo pintando del mismo color, la cantante colombiana mueve las caderas al ritmo del tercer […]
White supremacist group pursuing college students to build ranks

By Tere Siqueira A white supremacist group is reportedly trying to build its ranks by recruiting in places not typically associated with the white supremacist movement: college campuses. The group is called Identity Evropa. Founded in 2016, it’s led by Nathan Benjamin Damigo, who was discharged from the military and served five years in prison […]
Meximetro 09.21.17

09/14/17 Un grupo de criminales amagaron a una mujer a punta de pistola y le quitaron su vehículo en la Colonia Guadalupe de Chihuahua. La mujer venía saliendo de comprar tortillas cuando fue abordada por varios delincuentes. Al día de hoy se desconoce el paradero de los culpables, pero las autoridades de Chihuahua ya investigan […]
Street Talk: Mexican earthquake

By Tere Siqueira On Tuesday afternoon (Sept. 19), a powerful earthquake hit Mexico. At press time, more than 40 buildings had collapsed and the death toll was reported to be more than 200 people. To get a sense of the mood in Mexico, Dos Mundos asked some Mexico City residents about how they lived through […]
Jorge Ramos: Nothing Is Normal

MIAMI, Fla. — I’m writing this with a pen on moist yellow paper. It’s been a few days since there was electricity in my home; there is no internet, and no connection with the rest of the world. The screen on my phone says “No Service.” My cold morning shower left me shivering. By contrast, […]
Not sure which hands control DACA’s fate

Young people whose parents moved them to the United States as children are shielded from deportation and allowed to work here legally through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program – for a few more months at least. Tragically, people with DACA status under the Obama-era program will begin losing their protection in March […]
Mexican restaurant brings modern, authentic food to KC area

Fans of authentic Mexican cuisine might be disappointed in the typical presentation of Mexican dishes smothered in cheese or salsa – which is actually Tex-Mex food. Alfonso Esqueda believes he can give those fans an authentic experience. Esqueda owns CACAO Restaurante, located at 5200 W. 95th St. in Prairie Village, Kan. When customers first walk […]
Free and low-cost flu vaccinations available in KC area

CDC recommends getting vaccinations now By Dermidio Juez-Perez Flu season is around the corner. It’s recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that anyone at least 6 months old get a flu vaccination now to reduce the chances of getting the flu, rather than waiting for the cold and flu season. Kansas City […]