Hispanic representation in the U.S. military keeps growing

By Yanis De Palma As the United States has become more racially and ethnically diverse, so has the U.S. military. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Defense, racial and ethnic minority groups made up 40 percent of Defense Department active-duty military personnel in 2015. The research also […]
Trump wants to end diversity lottery visa program

By Chara CNN reported recently that President Trump met with his cabinet at the White House and expressed his desire to end the diversity visa lottery. “I am going to ask Congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program, diversity lottery,” Trump stated. “Sounds nice. It is not nice. It is not […]
Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra: Need to divorce? Do it where you live now!

Often, I hear immigrants talk about hiring an attorney in their home country to handle family law matters. They think because they married there, they have to also divorce there. This is not true! Family laws apply to you where you currently live. So, it is possible to divorce where you live now. In Missouri, […]
Termómetro KC: Noticias locales 11.09.17

11/02/17 Un hombre de Kansas City, Kan., que se declaró culpable de haber asesinado a su hijo de 7 años ahora está negando los cargos. El hombre se estará enfrentando a un juicio los próximos días y el jurado determinará si el hombre es culpable o inocente, así como el castigo que recibirá. 11/02/17 Un […]
Jorge Ramos : Puerto Rico Rises Up

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — There are times when a country’s best qualities shine during its most difficult tests. And I hesitate neither to call Puerto Rico a country — it has preserved its history, culture and language despite being a U.S. territory — nor to acknowledge that the island is going through one of […]
Complacency & sanctimony hazardous to veterans

Veterans Day is the modern iteration of Armistice Day, instituted in November 1919 to commemorate the end of World War I a year earlier and reflect on “the heroism of those who died in the country’s service.” In 1938, Congress enshrined Nov. 11 as a federal holiday “to honor veterans of World War I.” Then, […]
Daddy Yankee , regresa con ‘Boom Boom’

Definitivamente este ha sido un año muy redituable para Daddy Yankee; después del tremendo éxito que logró junto a Luis Fonsi con ‘Despacito’, ahora el reggaetonero presentó el video musical de su nuevo sencillo. La canción lleva por nombre ‘Boom Boom’ y cuenta con la participación de French Montana y Dinah Jane, integrante de Fifth […]
Veteran pursues philosophy to life in and out of uniform

By Chara Navy veteran and Kansas City area resident Mike Macias has a philosophy about life: Live life to the fullest and help as many people as you can every day because there’s no guarantee of having a tomorrow. Macias, a Texas native raised in Kansas City, Kan.’s Argentine and Kansas City, Mo.’s Westside neighborhoods, […]
H -1B visas: As uncertain as the rest of Trump’s administration

President Trump ran his election campaign by promising big changes to America’s immigration system. And since becoming president, many of the actions his administration has taken has made an already broken system even worse. One example has been the H-1B visa program – a program Trump harshly criticized. However, little has been done to it, […]
Greenlight to a better KCI airport

Compiled From Media Reports Kansas City, Mo., voters have spoken – and they’ve said Kansas City International (KCI) Airport will undergo renovations. On Tuesday (Nov. 7), the voters passed Question 1 49,950-16,378 (75 percent to 25 percent). As was stated on the ballot, Question 1 was a city request for approval to build a new […]