El Team LeBron venció a Team Curry – Deportes y más deportes….

By Chara Estrenando nuevo formato en el juego de las estrellas de la NBA, los astros de la duela se dieron cita en el Staples Center de Los Ángeles para dar una exhibición de buen baloncesto. El equipo comandado por LeBron James derrotó al equipo liderado por Stephen Curry 148-145. Los ganadores del encuentro donarán […]
Wonderful World: Discover Cancun

By Tom Sawyer Welcome tourists, In this edition, we will talk about the Mexican tropical paradise of Cancun, perhaps the most famous internationally. A few weeks ago we talked about Tulum, a really close city to Cancun. But why spend another week in this area? Undoubtedly, because of the innumerable amount of places to visit. […]
Eduardo Capetillo se lanza como candidato

Se a dio a conocer la noticia de que Eduardo Capetillo se lanzará a buscar la presidencia municipal de Ocoyoacac, en el Estado de México. Después de una larga trayectoria dentro de la actuación, conducción y música, el esposo de Bibi Gaytán explorará su faceta como político de la mano del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) […]
Luis Miguel recorrerá Estados Unidos en gira

Luis Miguel dejará las tierras mexicanas para viajar a Estados Unidos, donde presentará su nuevo espectáculo. De acuerdo con El Universal, “El Sol” iniciará su tour “¡México por Siempre!” el próximo 4 de mayo en San Diego, California. La gira contará con 22 fechas que llegará a otras ciudades como Los Ángeles, Chicago, Houston, Miami […]
Latina author discusses backstory, themes of hit book-turned-film

Interview by Chara In 2012, Latina author R.J. Palacio wrote a best-selling book. That book has been adapted into a blockbuster film. The movie is “Wonder.” Based on Palacio’s novel of the same name, it tackles issues of bullying, love and kindness. Starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson and Jacob Tremblay, the tender-hearted movie was released […]
Jorge Ramos: What We Don’t Talk About

It was supposed to be a day of love. It ended as a day of death. On Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, I had just finished interviewing Gloria and Emilio Estefan about their more than four-decade relationship and successful career. Good vibes prevailed. I left their recording studio in Miami feeling hopeful; this is always the […]
Termómetro KC – Noticias Locales

02/15/18 Bomberos de Kansas City, Mo., encontraron el cuerpo de una persona afuera de una casa que se incendiaba. El incendio tuvo lugar en la calle 41 y Garfield, el cuerpo de esta persona no fue encontrado hasta después de que bomberos acabaron de apagar las llamas. El incidente sigue bajo investigación y las causas […]
Faurecia to open area plant

Faurecia, a French auto equipment company founded in 1997, will open a Kansas City area plant. The $60-million facility will be in Blue Springs, Mo. The Kansas City Area Development Council recently announced the news on its website. “Congratulations to our partners in Blue Springs on today’s announcement that Faurecia’s interiors division will open a […]
Money Tips: Don’t accumulate debt

Commentary by Eulogio JP An important section of the U.S. population is hurting financially: the middle class. Wages for middle-class jobs have been the same since the late 1970s. Combine that fact with increasing inflation and it’s not hard to understand why this sector of the population is hurting so badly. But not every financial […]
A way forward for DACA

Federal lawmakers left Washington, D.C., last Thursday for a 10-day recess without extending or making permanent the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, set to expire March 5. It means the future is uncertain for some 690,000 young people currently protected from deportation. Congress has known for over five months that the program for […]