Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Poll shows U.S. voters support “Dreamers”

By Chara U.S. voters want “Dreamers” to stay in the United States, according to a recent poll from Quinnipiac University. Of the voters surveyed by the Hamden, Conn.-based school, 73 percent support legislation to allow undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children (known as “Dreamers”) to remain in the United Sates legally. […]

Immigration deal not progressing

By Chara On Feb 15., several media outlets reported that U.S. senators couldn’t agree to advance on a bipartisan immigration deal focused on helping Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program students. The bipartisan deal was sponsored by seven Democrats, eight Republicans and one independent senator. According to The New York Times, the bill would allocate […]

Protests staged, others scheduled following mass shooting in Florida

Gonzalez, fellow students call on lawmakers for stricter gun-control regulations Compiled From Media Reports Following the Feb. 14 mass shooting at a Miami area high school, students in many American communities are calling for lawmakers to pass stricter gun regulations – and a young lady with a Spanish surname is helping to issue that call. […]

School Closings for Thursday 2/22

Otra dia de escuelas cerradas por el clima. School Closings as of 6:30 am Thursday 2.22.18 Name Status Org. Academie Lafayette, KCMO Closed Schools Academy Montessori Internationale, KCMO Closed Schools Accelerated Schools, OPKS Closed Schools Adrian R-III School, Adrian, MO Closed Schools Allen VIllage School, KCMO Opening Late Schools Appleton R-II School, Appleton City, MO […]

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