Salah, nuevo goleador de la Premier League – Deportes y más deportes….

By Chara La gran actuación del egipcio Mohamed Salah con el Liverpool lo ubica como uno de los mejores jugadores de la liga inglesa. En el último partido, Salah marcó 4 anotaciones de las 5 que dieron el triunfo al Liverpool sobre el Watford. Con los cuatro goles, el egipcio se ubica como máximo anotador […]
Termómetro KC – Noticias Locales

03/15/18 Dos personas fueron encontradas muertas a causa de un incendio que ocurrió en una casa ubicada en la calle 9 y Belmont en Kansas City, Mo. Según reportes de las autoridades, 4 personas vivían en la casa y dos fueron encontradas sin vida. El escuadrón de bombas de la ciudad está tratando de determinar […]
Espinoza Paz sufre accidente

El cantante se cayó de la bicicleta en su natal Sinaloa, sufriendo una lesión en la rodilla. El cantautor sinaloense sufrió un aparatoso accidente al caer de su bicicleta mientras realizaba un paseo. Espinoza tuvo una aparatosa caída, y aunque pudo tener mayores consecuencias sólo resultó con una rodilla lastimada. El cantante compartió la herida […]
La Mujer Maravilla 2 ya tiene Villana

Finalmente le ha llegado la oportunidad a Kristen Wiig para demostrar que es una excelente y dinámica actriz, pues después de varios años de enfocarse únicamente en la comedia ahora dará vida a la villana de la próxima película de ‘Wonder Woman’. La comediante neoyorkina interpretará a ‘Cheetah’ o ‘Barbara Ann Minerva’, la icónica villana […]
Wonderful World: Descubre Guanajuato

By Tom Sawyer Welcome, tourists! In this edition of “Hanging around the world,” I’ll examine one of the most beautiful cities in our neighboring country, the site of the International Cervantino Festival and hometown of outstanding muralist Diego Rivera. I think that, with those clues, you should already know I’m referring to Guanajuato, Mexico. Founded […]
Turning 60 Is a Privilege

As I turn 60, two thoughts come to mind: One, I’m running out of time; two, I’m really fortunate to have made it so far, and still be healthy and fit. Today, the life expectancy for a man like me is 76 years. But I hope the genes of my mother — who was born […]
Dave says

Dear Dave, I have $100,000 in student loan debt. Since the amount is so large, is there a special place in your Baby Steps plan for it? Julie Dear Julie, The fact that it’s a large amount of student loan debt doesn’t change anything. Baby Step 2 is where you pay off all debt except for your […]
Precollege use of 529 account might benefit you

Commentary by Eulogio JP In late 2017, the U.S. House of Representatives approved proposing a plan to the Senate that would allow families to use money from their 529 accounts to pay for private schools, starting with elementary school. Originally, 529 accounts were meant to be used to give families opportunities to save money that […]
America’s Protectors

Understanding Education And Military Families (NAPSI)—America’s military service members make great sacrifices for our country—and for their own families—but are their kids getting what they need from our K−12 education system? A new national survey of service members, spouses and veterans looks at educational options for military families, their satisfaction and how their choices can […]
Vanquishing affliction with grace & resolve

When Stephen Hawking was 21 years old, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease. It affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, which lose their ability to control muscle movement, which leads inevitably to paralysis and death. Hawking, a British University of Cambridge graduate student was given, […]