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Cleaver Receives Truman Award

Photos by Michael Alvarado

Last Friday, May 4th Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II received the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award. The ceremony took place at the Muehlebach Tower at the Kansas City Marriot in Missouri.
“I do appreciate this unbelievably big-league honor even if my contributions seem minor league when compared to those who have previously received this gold-plated award,” said Congressman Cleaver.
The Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award Foundation honors a prominent individual who has “promoted good relations among all races, nations and classes of people and who exemplifies the qualities of Harry S. Truman.”
President Bill Clinton accepted the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award in 2013. Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta received the award in 2014 for his accomplishments in the area of national defense as did Gary Sinise in 2011 for his work with disabled veterans and with Operation International Children.
Emanuel Cleaver, II is the U.S. Representative for Missouri’s Fifth Congressional District, which includes Kansas City, Independence, Lee’s Summit, Raytown, Grandview, Sugar Creek, Blue Springs, Grain Valley, Oak Grove, North Kansas City, Gladstone, Claycomo, and all of Ray, Lafayette, and Saline Counties. He is a member of the exclusive House Financial Services Committee, the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, and also a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus.

Cleaver recibe el premio Truman

El pasado viernes 4 de mayo, el congresista Emanuel Cleaver II recibió el Premio Harry Truman Good Neighbor. La ceremonia también se realizó en la Torre Muehlebach en el Kansas City Marriot en Missouri.
“Aprecio este grande honor incluso si mis contribuciones parecen de menor importancia en comparación con las que recibieron este galardón dorado”, dijo el congresista Cleaver.
La Fundación Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award honra a un individuo prominente que ha “promovido las buenas relaciones entre todas las razas, naciones y clases de personas y que ejemplifica las cualidades de Harry S. Truman”.
El presidente Bill Clinton aceptó el Premio Harry S. Truman al Buen Vecino en el 2013. El exsecretario de Defensa Leon Panetta recibió el premio en el 2014 por sus logros en el área de defensa nacional o como Gary Sinise en el 2011 por su trabajo con veteranos discapacitados y con la Operación Niños internacionales.
Emanuel Cleaver, II es el Representante de Estados Unidos para el Quinto Distrito Congresional de Missouri, que incluye Kansas City, Independence, Lee’s Summit, Raytown, Grandview, Sugar Creek, Blue Springs, Grain Valley, Oak Grove, North Kansas City, Gladstone, Claycomo, y todo de los condados de Ray, Lafayette y Saline. Es miembro del exclusivo Comité de Servicios Financieros de la Cámara de Representantes, el miembro de mayor rango del Subcomité de Vivienda y Seguros, y también un Senior Whip del Caucus Democrático.



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