Divulgando la cultura en dos idiómas.

Deportes y más deportes….

By Chara Camoranesi podría llegar a Chivas La salida del ‘Flaco’ Almeyda sería casi un hecho y el ‘Rebaño’ ya está en la búsqueda de su nuevo DT que según varios medios mexicanos podría ser Mauro Camoranesi. Ni Chivas, ni el ex jugador italo-argentino han confirmado el rumor, pero de confirmarse, Camoranesi estaría vistiéndose de […]

Katherine Langford se despide de 13 Reasons Why

Katherine Langford, la protagonista de la exitosa serie de Netflix ’13 Reasons Why’, se despidió para siempre de su personaje ‘Hannah Baker’. A través de Instagram, la joven actriz escribió un mensaje: “Hannah, te amo y te dejo ir. A todos ustedes gracias por llenar mi vida de luz y de amor. Este show siempre […]

Johnny Depp preocupa su apariencia

Johnny Depp preocupa a sus fans con apariencia enferma. El actor fue fotografiado en Rusia, y se le ve “enfermo”, “débil” y “flaco”, según sus fans. Depp posó hace pocos días con dos seguidoras en el hotel Four Seasons en San Petersburgo, Rusia, donde se le ve muy por debajo de su peso, y visiblemente […]

Vin Diesel recibe un doctorado honorífico

Reconvertido en una de las estrellas más notorias del cine de acción y en uno de los actores mejor pagados de Hollywood por su papel protagonista en la saga ‘Fast and Furious’, Vin Diesel regresó ayer miércoles a la universidad que se vio obligado a abandonar hace 30 años, el Hunter College de Nueva York, […]

Wonderful World: Discover Abu Dhabi

By Tom Sawyer Welcome tourists! In this edition, we will talk about the second most populated city in the United Arab Emirates and capital of the same country, Abu Dhabi. It should be noted that some of the areas where the city is located were inhabited since the third millennium BC. In the middle of […]

Alfonso Herrera se integra a narcoserie

Alfonso Herrera se integra al elenco de la narco serie ‘The Queen of the South’, adaptación de ‘La Reina del Sur’, que realiza USA Network. El actor mexicano comentó: “Esta serie es increíble, porque muestra que las mujeres son fuertes y empoderadas en un mundo dominado por hombres. Herrera interpretará a ‘Javier Gallegos’, primo de […]

Dr. Myriam Ensling: Unintended malnutrition Guard 4

In my practice, I see many patients who malnourish themselves or they continue to have all complications associated with obesity even though they are able to reach normal or low weight with their diet and exercise. Excess of carbohydrates, diets based on processed foods and lack of vitamins are the most common mistakes people make […]

Jorge Ramos: Where Are the Children?

By Jorge Ramos Here are three hard truths: 1. There are 1,475 immigrant children unaccounted for in the United States, and officials have no idea where they are; 2. The Trump administration has separated hundreds of children from their parents after they crossed the border illegally; 3. President Donald Trump is to blame for this […]

Hernandez becomes ICE’s sixth immigrant fatality in eight months

By Eulogio JP A sixth immigrant has died while in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody since October 2017. Roxana Hernandez, a 33-year-old Honduran transgendered woman who traveled recently to the United States in a migrant caravan, died on May 25 at an Albuquerque, N.M., hospital. She died from what appeared to be cardiac […]

Enactus program alumnus helping students with their entrepreneurial pursuits

Commentary by Chara and photo cortesy Hallmark As a college student, the non-profit organization Enactus helped Luis Blanco. As a professional, Blanco is helping college students through Enactus. Headquartered in Springfield, Mo., Enactus is an organization for students and business leaders who strive to use entrepreneurial works to transform lives and improve the world. From […]

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