Immigrant experience highlighted at Kemper Museum

By Angie Baldelomar A town hall event on migration brought in local artists who identify as immigrants to discuss how that affects their work. The event took place on Aug. 9 at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art. Held in conjunction with the exhibition “Worlds Otherwise Hidden,” it was hosted in partnership with For Freedoms, […]
Election for political control

Republicans currently wield tremendous power. The party controls the executive and legislative branches of the federal government, 31 state legislatures and 33 state governorships. But the political sands could soon shift dramatically. On Nov. 6, Americans will elect 435 U.S. representatives and 35 U.S. senators. Furthermore, constituents in 36 states will elect governors, and voters […]
Report reveals priests in Pennsylvania abused 1,000-plus children

By Angie Baldelomar A grand jury report in Pennsylvania released Tuesday (Aug. 14) revealed that bishops and other Catholic Church leaders in Pennsylvania covered up child sexual abuse by more than 300 priests over the course of 70 years. The report covered six of the eight Catholic dioceses in the state and found more than […]