Hablando con la abogada Jessica Piedra: What’s going on with my application?
Immigration processing can be slow and for many the process can take many years. How do you know how long it will take? There are several ways to check on your case and make sure it stays on track. For active cases, the USCIS offers tools to tell you how long it should take to […]
The midterm elections – a quick look
Analysis by Yanis De Palma On Sept. 25, in observation of National Voter Registration Day, a record 800,000-plus Americans registered to vote. Those 800,000 people and millions more registered voters will make some key decisions on Nov. 6, the date of the midterm elections. They’ll decide the fate of 435 seats in the U.S. House […]
Mexímetro 10.18.18
10/11/18 Periódicos de la Ciudad de México informaron que una mujer se aventó de un puente ubicado en Calzada de Tlalpan con la intención de quitarse la vida. Conductores de autos llamaron a las autoridades que, al llegar al lugar y encontrar a la víctima, se percataron que tenía aliento alcohólico. Según la mujer, ella […]
Pablo Montero, ya es un hombre divorciado
Pablo Montero confirma divorcio con Carolina Van Wielink, el cual fue firmado desde mediados del 2017, algo que quisieron guardar en la privacidad. El actor y cantante expresó: “Debido al interés que surgió por entrevistarme, respecto a mi separación con Caro, queremos comentarles que desde hace algún tiempo firmamos el divorcio, lo cual se llevó […]
Dra. Nancy Álvarez: Women, freed but exhausted
The majority of households worldwide are maintained by a woman in the economic and emotional aspects. We achieved women’s liberation, but we forgot to push men to do the men’s liberation and in the middle we got stuck: freed, ready, but with excessive work, tension and anxiety disorders. We make good money but we get […]
Will Kavanaugh’s confirmation swing the midterm elections?
By Tere Siqueira Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court could affect the midterm elections. The federal judge, who was approved by the Senate on Oct. 6 and sworn the night of Oct. 8, is known for his strong links to the Republican Party. President Trump has been accused of nominating Kavanaugh to the […]
How to promote creativity in children
Commentary by Chara By nature, children are creative. Sometimes, however, parents do not have the time to take their children to activities where they can develop their creativity. Still, parents can find ways to foster creativity in their children at home. Here are some tips that might help you develop your child’s creativity: *Buy a […]
Los Rivera, celebran 50 años de Jenni
El padre de la fallecida Jenni Rivera reunirá a toda la familia en una serie de conciertos para celebrar el 50 aniversario de ‘La Diva de la Banda’. El espectáculo congregará a la familia Rivera, quienes presentarán el show en 12 ciudades de Estados Unidos. El encargado de esta reunión Don Pedro Rivera, comentó “Pues […]
Wonderful World: Discover Amsterdam
Welcome tourists! In this edition, we will talk about Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the capital of a neighboring European country of Germany and Belgium, and which its name is often confused by people who do not live in it. Its foundation dates from 1275, has less than 1 million citizens, while its metropolitan area has about […]
Cold and flu myths debunked
Commentary by Yanis De Palma It is cold and flu season again Thus, it is important to make sure you know the truth about the viruses and what you can do to reduce the risk of catching them. Some of the most common cold and flu myths include the following: *A cold turns into the […]