Selma Blair, diagnosticada con esclerósis múltiple

Selma Blair, que actualmente se encuentra trabajando en su próximo proyecto de Netflix Another Life, reveló a través de Instagram que ha estado sufriendo una serie de problemas de salud durante los últimos 15 años de su carrera, y acaba de enterarse de que le han diagnosticado esclerosis múltiple. La actriz ya presenta algunos síntomas, […]
Mark Ruffalo, protagonizará nueva serie

El actor Mark Ruffalo será el protagonista y productor ejecutivo de la serie dramática limitada “I Know This Much Is True”, que lo verá interpretar a gemelos idénticos. “I Know This Much Is True (Sé que esto es verdad)” se basa en el autor de ventas de Wally Lamb, que lleva el mismo nombre. Será […]
Street Talk: What the Day of the Dead means

By Chara Because the Day of the Dead holiday is important in many Latin American countries, Dos Mundos asked people of various nationalities (including those outside of Latin America) for their thoughts about the meaning of the celebration. Here are their answers: “I think (it) is a beautiful celebration about their ancestors. They believe in […]
Playmobil, Llegará a la pantalla grande en 2019

Después de varios años de espera se confirmó que ‘Playmobil’ llegará el próximo año a la pantalla grande. La cinta se estrenará el 30 de agosto del 2019 y contará la historia de una niña que viajará a este mágico mundo para buscar a su hermano pequeño quien ha desaparecido de forma repentina. Durante esta […]
Lady Gaga, está comprometida

Lady Gaga ha confirmado su compromiso con su novio, Christian Carino. La estrella de “A Star Is Born”, se refirió como su “prometido, Christian” durante un discurso en la celebración anual número 25, de ‘Elle Women in Hollywood’. “Gracias a todos los seres queridos en mi vida. Bobby [Campbell, su manager], te amo”, dijo Gaga […]
Latinos of Tomorrow to host special KC BizFest application workshop

The Latinos of Tomorrow (LOT) will host a KC BizFest 2019 and college entrance application workshop during its monthly meeting. Hosted from 12:30 to 2 p.m. on Saturday (Oct. 27) at the Hispanic Chamber of Greater Kansas City offices, the meeting will assist students in filling out the KC BizFest 2019 application, and those who […]
Area Hispanic leaders organize reception to support candidate

By Angie Baldelomar On Oct. 20, a group of Hispanic leaders from the Kansas City area organized a reception in support of Sharice Davids, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives for Kansas’ 3rd District. Davids mingled with the dozens of people who attended the event, held at the Matt Ross Community Center […]
How to become a U.S. citizen

Commentary by Chara Every year, millions of immigrants apply for U.S. citizenship. If you are interested in applying for citizenship, you need to make sure you qualify. To qualify for U.S. citizenship, you should be a permanent resident and have a green card. In addition, you need to have resided in the United States for […]
Gael García Bernal, protagoniza “Museo”

Gael García regresa a México para promocionar “Museo”, una película inspirada en el robo de piezas arqueológicas más importante de México. Dirigida por Alonso Ruizpalacios, “Museo” es una interpretación libre de los hechos que marcaron a nuestro país tan sólo unos meses después del temblor que azotó a la Ciudad de México en 1985, cuando […]
U.S. gov’t has separated minority families before

By Tere Siqueira A newly released memo obtained by Open The Government (OTG) and the Project on Government Oversight (POGO) through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) shows that the secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been lying to the media and the public about not approving the “zero tolerance” immigration […]