AMLO celebrates one year in office

By Chara Loved by many, hated by others, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (a.k.a., “AMLO”) celebrated his first year as Mexico’s president recently at the Zocalo in Mexico City. Thousands of people attended the one-year anniversary event to show their support for the Mexican leader. People welcomed him by shouting, “You are not alone.” During his […]
Kelly Clarkson, Anuncia su residencia en Las Vegas

La cantante Kelly Clarkson anunció en su programa de televisión su residencia en Las Vegas, que tendrá inicio a principios del mes de abril del 2020. La artista surgida hace 17 años del show ‘American Idol’, no tuvo reparo en anunciar en su exitoso show televisivo ‘The Kelly Clarkson Show’: “Cuando comenzó este programa, escuché […]
Maria Marin: El agradecimiento cambia un mal pronóstico

Hace un tiempo a través de un Facebook Live conocí a Natalia Padrón mejor conocida en redes sociales como “Naty Wellness” una mujer con cáncer en etapa IV, esto quiere decir que el cáncer que comenzó en un seno se regó otras partes de su cuerpo. El pronóstico de vida que le dieron fue de máximo […]
Church honoring the Lady of Guadalupe still going strong

By Tere Siqueira Almost 30 years ago, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church was on the verge of closing. But in December 2019, as many Hispanics prepare to observe the Day of the Virgin of the Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12), the Kansas City, Missouri, church on Madison Avenue continues to serve parishioners, albeit under a […]
FBI warns about privacy concerns regarding smart TVs

By Roberta Pardo People might need to be careful around their smart TVs. The FBI warned in a pre-holiday message that smart TVs — televisions equipped with internet streaming and even facial recognition capabilities — can be vulnerable to intrusion. The bureau said malicious cyber-actors could take control of unsecured smart TVs and wreak havoc […]
2 habits that lead to a successful retirement

By Chris Hogan Did you know Congress has designated October 20th through October 26th this year as National Retirement Security Week? It’s a time for hardworking Americans like you to pause and take the pulse of your financial progress. So, I have a question: What do you picture when you hear the word retirement? You might have a […]
Decorate Your Home for the Holidays

By Family Features Chances are good that at some point during the holiday season, you’ll welcome guests into your home. Whether you lease or own your home, creating a cozy, festive setting for holiday gatherings can actually be quite simple, especially if you take on the project one room at a time. One advantage of […]
Mexímetro – Noticias de México

By Chara 11/28/19 Un choque entre autos que ocurrió en Iztapalapa en la Ciudad de México dejó como resultado 5 muertos. Según versiones de las autoridades, uno de los conductores perdió el control de su auto y otro auto terminó impactado con él. Al día de hoy no se ha logrado identificar a las víctimas […]
How to use social media as a leadership tool

Commentary by Tere Siqueira Technology has created a challenge for leaders, particularly corporate leaders: how to use the potential of social media while avoiding its inherent risks. The following tips will help you utilize social media as a leadership tool and avoid its potential pitfalls: *Produce videos and share important information in a first-hand, friendly […]
Border residents visit Washington to demand transparency at the border

By Roberta Pardo On Nov. 19-20, a delegation of 40 residents from the U.S.-Mexico border visited Washington, D.C., to seek support for legislation that could bring accountability and transparency within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and improve relations between law enforcement agencies and border communities. Led by the Border Network for Human Rights (BNHR), […]